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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

BREAKING: Desperate Hillary Suffers Another Embarrassing Loss

NBC News is reporting that Crooked Hillary suffered another embarrassing loss to half baked communist Bernie Sanders. While Hillary is likely to take the nomination, this means she'll have to fight another day, and her prospects in a general election look slimmer than ever.

Source: AAN


  1. Desperate? Are we supposed to feel sorry?

  2. I would rather see her do well. I would like to face her in the primary. She should be an easy win.

  3. An independent counsel needs to be appointed to investigate Hillary's scandals. The DOJ has become politicized regardless of what they're saying. A conservative would have been tried and in prison by now.

  4. if she loses then how does she get equal delegates?

  5. I saw that too, 934. I guess dumbocrats is a great name for them.


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