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Thursday, May 05, 2016

AUDIO: Conservative Radio Legend Goes Berserk After Trump Victory

Talk radio legend Mark Levin went off on Fox News just hours before Donald Trump declared victory. As Breitbart reports:

Talk radio host Mark Levin, who has endorsed Republican presidential candidate Texas Senator Ted Cruz, blasted the Fox News Channel as “not a news channel” and a “Donald Trump super PAC” that will be “rubbing their own faces in their own feces” after the GOP gets “our a**es kicked in the general election” on Tuesday.

Levin began by saying to the Fox News Channel, “You’re not a news channel anymore. You’re the Fox Channel.”

He then turned to that day’s tiff between Trump and Cruz, and criticized the FNC program “Outnumbered” for not giving the context of the fight between the two, that Trump had accused Cruz’s father of being linked to JFK assassin Lee Harvey Oswald. He further said that, according to a friend of his who contacted him, another program, “The Five,” didn’t bring up Trump’s Oswald-Rafael Cruz theory until over 20 minutes past the hour. Levin continued, “Donald Trump is bringing up a National Enquirer story that accuses Ted Cruz’s father, Rafael Cruz, of being in cahoots, in one way or another, with Lee Harvey Oswald.” Levin further stated that, according to his source, “several of the people on ‘The Five’ thought this was hilarious. As a matter of fact, they were defending the National Enquirer. … That’s why it’s not the Fox News Channel, it’s the Fox Channel, and the Donald Trump super PAC.”

Here's the problem. Months ago, Levin heaped praise on Donald Trump, maintaining a tone of neutrality throughout the campaign until it was clear that Trump would be the nominee. For this, Levin was subject to heavy ridicule from conservatives who opposed Trump, but he continued to maintain an air of positivity towards the man he now says is going to destroy the GOP, perhaps pandering to his audience. It was only after Trump surrogate Roger Stone attacked Levin personally that the talk radio host decided to join the #NeverTrump campaign.

This begs the question: if Levin truly believes Donald Trump is such an existential threat to the GOP, why didn't he use the considerable resources at his disposal to warn voters earlier?

GO HERE to listen.


  1. Mark Levin is a Lunatic just like Glen Beck is. If he thinks Fox News Channel has been a SuperPAC for Trump then he has been asleep or forgot to take his meds during this whole campaign!

  2. Glen beck and Mark Levin are on suicide watch.

  3. does it make the people who listen to him a lunatic as well? Then I guess I am a lunatic

  4. I like Michael Savage. I usually download his podcast and listen to him. I like his reasoning, and intelligent conversation. WICO has moved more to the center. I can't stand Jerry Doyle or Jim Bohannon.

  5. They might be lunatics and I kinda of like the lunacy, but I am afraid they are correct. I hope they are wrong. I believe the democrats have more tricks up their crooked sleeves. I think they will win in a landslide.

  6. Glenn beck laid off 40 people at the blaze then goes crying again on his show meanwhile he just bought a small aircraft $200,000

  7. The white working class male is out numbered and out voted by Liberals, Blacks, and Hispanics as well has illegals who are given the vote. The country just does not stand a chance. There are more dependent on public assistance and the government than are working. This country is doomed!

  8. Make Election Day a paid holiday reimbursed to employers by the IRS. MAKE WORKERS VOTE! But, the worker has to bring a vote receipt back from the precinct and turn it in to the boss to get paid.

  9. Mark Levin is being investigated by the FCC and FEC for taking money from the Cruz SuperPAC to promote Cruz for president without informing his audience he is a paid sponsor. So much for his credibility. It just left the building.


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