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Sunday, May 01, 2016

100% Evidence The Daily Times SUCKS

The editorial below, (published today) has got to be one of the most incredible pieces of crap I have ever seen in my entire life. 

I love how Ireton and now the Daily Times screamed and cried calling foul on alleged gerrymandering in District 1 but hey, THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE and let me explain why.

When you voted as a Democrat in District 1, you could only vote for DEMOCRATS! It's a PRIMARY, not a general election. Please, do tell me how it is physically possible how Ireton can even claim the district is rigged in a PRIMARY? What an Idiot/Liar.

The editorial below clearly explains how Ireton's opponent did NOTHING. He didn't raise any money. He didn't have any campaign signs. He didn't knock on any doors. Yet he beat the crap out of Ireton by 2,000 votes! Gee, you don't think I had anything to do with that, do you? I sure as hell hope so anyway. 

Nevertheless, read the editorial, it will blow your mind. When you are done, IF you still have a subscription to that piece of crap, left wing, one sided rainbow flag newspaper, cancel it immediately. You can thank me later. 

Tip of the hat to Jim Ireton


After a mighty effort and an impressive showing, Ireton deserves congratulations

It's not customary to congratulate the loser in a primary race, but after Salisbury City Councilman Jim Ireton narrowly lost his bid to be the Democratic candidate for Maryland's 1st Congressional District in November, that's exactly what he deserves – a tip of the hat, a big pat on the back and hearty congratulations.


Because his opponent, Joe Werner, is a candidate who, it's fairly safe to say, many Eastern Shore voters were unaware existed, for one thing.

Ireton worked the campaign exhaustively, pounding the pavement and creating a constant presence on social media. He made sure everyone knew his name. He attended events. He shook hands, stumped and was involved in every way possible.

Werner, on the other hand, posted on social media, and that's all – no fundraising, no stumping, no meet-and-greets. He was not, by his own admission, not expecting to win. Yet win he did, against an energetic, motivated candidate who worked hard to get his message out.

What we know about Werner is mostly that he did not seem motivated, and he didn't bother to amass money, make appearances, shake hands or meet and greet potential voters.

It is a mystery. Why did so many people vote for Werner, the unknown? Is it a rigged game after all?

For one thing, Werner had run for office previously, albeit unsuccessfully, in Harford County. So he was known to voters across the Chesapeake Bay. Apparently, that's all it takes.

We live in a region where, thanks to a gerrymandered 1st District, it may be close to impossible to elect anyone with an Eastern Shore address to Congress.

We also live in a region where every vote has the potential to make a difference. Werner received fewer than 2,000 more votes than Ireton (before taking absentee ballots into consideration). Were there 2,000 additional Democrats on the Eastern Shore who might have voted for Ireton, had they bothered to vote? It seems likely. So voter turnout matters – to an extent. Each Democratic candidate got fewer than 30,000 votes.

In the Republican primary, more than 87,000 votes were cast, compared to fewer than 60,000 Democratic votes total. So if every Democrat who voted in the primary supported Werner in November, he'd still lose if every Republican who supported Harris in April repeated their selection in the general election.

So Werner won this primary, but Ireton made a more-than impressive showing. He deserves credit for that effort.



  1. LOL. So now we give ribbons and academy awards out for second place. Proving the Daily mistake is in the tank for Ireton. God this is such a pathetic editorial. What kind of credentials do you need to write for paper anymore. A degree from Barbados University? That's probably over qualified for this camel dung rag.

  2. Well, how about WBOC doing the piece on him yesterday and the gerrymandering. They had NO CLUE it is impossible in a PRIMARY. Nothing but actors.

    This editorial is garbage. It is brown nosing crap. A friend said, well, Ireton makes them money and the other guy doesn't sell papers. TRUE THAT.

  3. Maybe, just maybe, folks just decided that they don't want a queer ball to "represent" them. Just maybe. Kind of. Sort of. and, ICK. but that's just me...

  4. This is UTTTER crap. Joe is right. It's a primary. Your own party Jimmy girl. You can't be gerrymandered in your own party. Maybe you meant manhandled. You'd like that you and your girlfriends Chuck Cook, Josh Hastings and Ryan Hughes. Well at least the loss will give you more time to run up to Rehoboth with all the girls and play eenie meenie miney mo about whether to use the men's or women's bathrooms.

    This editorial is garbage and one of the most lopsided liberal trash. Joe more people read your site than that rag and I said today that I thought all the articles on here woke up sensible Democrats. The results say 4-thousand approximately voters in Wicomico and Worcester Democrats voter for WERNER Jimbeau. You lost in your OWN backyard.

    Funny the Times did their fuzzy math. If Jimmy won just half of the Democrats who voted for Werner on the Eastern shore Ireton would have won. Stick that in your rainbow hat Daily Times!

  5. No I think regular people are tired of Ireton's swishy, drunk, messy, sloppy, deviant, ass grabbing, wrist limping, liberal, rump ranger.

  6. Mystery? There is no mystery........we didn't vote FOR Werner; we voted AGAINST Ireton!!!

  7. 10:02 is correct. It was a vote AGAINST Ireton. Hope he got the message. Obviously, the DT didn't.

  8. Joe, it is truly amazing how the daily rag keeps out=dumbing itself! Can't believe they publish this stuff. It is an affront to journalism.

  9. Ireton can't accept the truth because he is a narcissist. The Times staff are just stupid, there is no other explanation for such a ridiculous editorial.

  10. Journalism school? Well maybe Jimbeau's girlfriend cub reporter Ryan Hughes helped that Daily rag write that so called "editorial" which was basically a suck up to Ireton. Ireton is used to sleeping with the press to get his articles. This is disgusting!

    Why in the heck do they suck up to Ireton? Gerrymander. No. Mystery? NO!!!!!!!!!! We voted against Ireton. Does he not understand we voted AGAINST you IRETON! Never run again please!

  11. 10:10 - affront to journalism? They don't even know what journalism is!!

  12. Jimmy, just go away.

  13. It was an "Anybody But Ireton" vote!

  14. Sad how the comments on sexual orientation keep posting. Keep it to politics. And FYI he's not transgender so keep the bathroom comments out. Grown men showing that bullying someone who is gay is the right thing to do. Sad.

  15. I have put up with this rag paper for almost four years. Many times I have considered not renewing After reading this article that did it. My cancelation is now a sure thing.


  16. Maybe he should move to Delaware...

  17. I'm pretty certain they were voted against Ireton, as opposed to support for the other guy. it's what I would have done.

  18. Y'all may have voted against Ireton but it was close and his votes came from the eastern shore not the western shore. Somebody is lying about who they voted for.

  19. 11:50p Not sure who you are. Either Ireton or one of his ilk. You're being very defensive. So here goes. Take notes 11:50pm. Joe Werner received approximately 3500 votes in Wicomico and Worcester counties. 3500 Democrats. Registered Democrats. People who for years and years and years who have been exposed to Jim Ireton. And they voted for a guy they never heard of. Didn't know. And even if they saw his selfie that looks like a picture they put out if you escape from the home... those 3500 Democrats STILL voted for Werner. And 11:50p if about 50 percent or so of those Democrats Jim Ireton would have won. But he didn't. To keep saying it was "close" is so ridiculous. So whose fault is it if Jim Ireton did't go campaign enough in Harford County? Maybe Werner's reputation carried HIM in HIS home counties MORE SO than Ireton's terrible reputation scratched his chances. Jim Ireton lost because of Jim Ireton. Blaming it on gerrymandering, homophobhia (that will be NEXT!) or whatever else you want to make up, doesn't change the fact Jim Ireton lost his first election in a blaze of glory. He litereally flamed out. Boo hoo Jimmy you know what hurts.

  20. I'd say it was close, per WTOP website:

    District 1 Democratic Party
    Jim Ireton – 48 percent
    Joe Werner – 52 percent – winner

  21. Here's my analogy. It's like Ireton ran a foot race with a 5-year old and the 5-year old won. And you call it close. That's what you're talking about. Oh boy it was close! Four points against a guy who raised ZERO dollars. No money. It's an embarrassment and I don't know why you - whoever you are carrying Jimmy's pale of water or if you are Jimmy boy -- continue to try and convince everyone of this spin. Jim just stop. It's 1am. I get you're stumbling in Jimmy and n your keyboard just angry having the hissy sissy fit we all knew you would have. Just stop.

  22. It's true. It probably IS Jim stumbling in drunk still mad about losing! Oh no. Sad.

  23. What's not acknowledged here is how many of the votes for the other guy were votes to put "anybody but Ireton" in first place. Those who really know him know that he's a backstabbing manipulator who will throw anyone to the wolves to advance his own agenda.

    He just doesn't get it.

  24. Gerrymandering. Do they even know the definition of that $.10 word or what? I think it's comical that they used such a long word. Usually the Daily Times uses the words of the small variety. Like. The good news is...

  25. Just for the record, the bathroom comments come from the scum bag's own behavior.

  26. "Because his opponent, Joe Werner, is a candidate who, it's fairly safe to say, many Eastern Shore voters were unaware existed, for one thing."

    The DT's has just insulted democrats. Just because the DT's panders to the low information democrats voters (yes ALL democrats are low information) on the Eastern Shore doesn't mean many of us didn't know Joe Werner "existed." I'm a Republican and I not only knew he existed, I also found out what I could about him many months ago.

  27. About the gerrymandering. Again what everyone has to remember the DT's panders to democrats who are low information. They will buy this nonsense hook line and sinker.

  28. The reason Ireton lost is because he is relentlessness gay and except with a very small percentage of people, those promoting the gay agenda have worn out their welcome. Liberals on the shore may not have a problem with a man walking into the restroom, dressing room, locker room when their teenage daughter is in there but liberals elsewhere do care.

  29. 10:26 He lost in major part if not exclusively due to his sexual orientation so the comments are relevant. A vast majority of liberals/democrats are sick and tired of the gay agenda. Same sex marriage is one thing but when they start demanding that someone go against their faith to cater to them then they have gone too far. People have more of a right in this country to practice their faith then these trouble makers have to a wedding cake. It is not like the gay show offs looking for their 15 mins of fame can't easily find another baker to make their cake.

  30. The DT is irrelivant. The election sent a BIG FAT HELL NO message from the democratic party!!! We dont want you Jim. We'd rather have a nobody. By the way i am independent so didnt get a chance to vote. My script canned a while back.


    1, Did Jim Ireton run a campaign ad in the Daily Times?

    2. Did the Daily Times run any articles in support of Jim Ireton?

    The only time I go to the Daily Times is when someone red flags an article to my attention. So I am completely unaware of the answers to those two questions but would love to know the answer.

  32. Being a true eastern shore democrat, I voted against Ireton and his agenda.

  33. Let's look at the facts , Ireton is a gay guy , that's a problem , he is not a good political figure , that's a problem , most people do not like gays they tolerate it, that's a problem , he presents his self like a child , that's a problem , he has tried to be a good mayor without success , that's a problem , he was defeated by what I consider an unknown , that tells me that he is a complete a$$ . There are holes in the ground for people like him to crawl into , go for it.

  34. lol his problem is that HE wasn't able to "gerrymander" the election. we all know, if he could he would. ireton has to put on his big girl panties and face facts, he couldn't win in a fair election against someone who didnt even run a campaign! lol the people of the state dislike jim that much! don't worry jim, the voters were just voting against you , not for the other guy, does that help?

  35. This is just another way that sissy Jimmy pouts. He didn't get his way, so he had to yell the loudest about how unfair everyone was in the election. You can go back to your corner and pout a little bit more now Mr. Sissy, your time out chair is waiting.

  36. This should be a real treat to see what extremes he has to go to to get in the spotlight. How long will it take the other two of the tgree stooges to stop taping council meetings, he will definitely be a "pleasure" to be around during those I'm sure!!! Hey Iretom laugh to keep from crying!!

  37. Jimbo is going to be the "Seth Mitchell" of political races. No doubt he will continue to embarrass himself - not realizing we could say the same thing about him that John Boehner said about Ted Cruz - lol. That is funny.

  38. "After a mighty effort and an impressive showing, Ireton deserves congratulations"

    Jim Ireton lost to someone who never even lifted a finger other than signing up to run and Jim Ireton deserves congratulations? Jim Ireton lost to someone who never even left his house to campaign. The guy never campaigned at all and Jim Ireton deserves some kind of credit?? This proves that the people that run the Daily Times editorial board is mentally unstable. Right Susan Hargreaves Parker!

  39. Let's get things straight here for Jim Ireton. And getting things straight would be a first for Jim Ireton. Ireton won his recent Council election from what I remember 57-43 percent. In Salisbury. Outside of Salisbury on the shore even the Democrats are conservative. Jimmy they rejected you boo boo. They don't like you and your rainbow antics. Now, in Harford and Baltimore counties. That's really the Baltimore suburban Democrats who you would think would be liberals all about Jimmy's big girl Gay agenda! But no. So Jim where in the world does that leave you? The conservative democrats rejected you and the liberal democrats rejected you. How do you ever expect to win another election outside your dumpy little Council seat. You stepped down as Mayor because you knew you'd lose to that hunky Jake Day who I am sure just distracts you in those tight jeans he wears Jimmy girl! But you didn't want to stay and fight. You fled as you always do. And when you flee in life you find that things don' get better they get worse. Your electoral prospects are dim. Your political life is basically over. Go back to teaching school. Wait skip that. Go find yourself a job with some gay group in Rehoboth. That way you'll be closer to the boardwalk for your 3am trips looking for boys with your girlfriend Ryan Hughes and be closer to those fabulous Cosmos you drink. And just go away. You were rejected because no one likes your gay agenda. No one. You have fooled yourself by surrounding yourself by Hughes, Chuck Cook and Josh Hastings that GAY is the way to go. It isn't. Good bye Jimmy girl. And as Edward R. Murrow used to say. Good night and Good luck!

  40. As a number of people have point out many of us said months ago Ireton would have sissy fit if he lost. Well here you go. In all it's sparkler filled regalia. Jim spend your days figuring out which bathroom to use instead of this. Goodbye cupcake. Goodbye Missy Ireton! Bye bye.

  41. I wrote a lengthy letter to the Delmarva Times yesterday to Ted Schockley and that smelly socialist Suzie Parker- who needs a dentist. See I told them don't dismiss me as some Republican anti-gay hater because I know plenty of gay people. Namely me and my husband. My name is Frank btw so readers are clear here. We have a great house and nice life. We pay our taxes. Fly the flag. Vote. We are Americans just like you. We vote the person not the party. We vote for the interests of our family and our neighbors. We like to think we're discerning Democrats. We plan to vote for Hillary. Joe don't be upset at us about that but we respect your support of Trump. We voted for O'Malley. Again, sorry Joe. But we didn't vote for Barrie Tilghman nor have we EVER voted for Jim Ireton. Jim Ireton is what is wrong with politicians and wrong with America. He is obnoxious and doesn't represent me and my family. And his drunk antics are terrible as is him dating reporters so he can get favorable press coverage. Besides dating that Ryan Hughes who is what like 20 years younger than daddy Ireton. Enough is enough! Jim Ireton slither away into your corner with your blankie and suck your thumb and pout. You were rejected for this Werner who looks like a nut. You lost to a nut who had no money.

  42. You guys keep forgetting who the editor is. The Editor is Susan Hargreaves Parker!!

  43. The article read, "He shook hands, stumped and was involved in every way possible."
    He was not "involved". Involved means being part of the action.
    He was just a butterfly, flitting from place to place to land for ten or twenty minutes at the places where people gathered to actually be involved in something. What Ireton did was all about photo ops, self-promotion and pretense, not being involved.


  44. Susan Hargreaves Parker shared a link.
    23 hrs ·

    Transgender students are left behind.


    Leave it to Susan Parker to post something about little queers and then make reference to their behinds.

    She posted this crap on her Facebook page and those Left Wing Nut friends of hers thinks it's newsworthy!

  45. She posted this dumb crap twice on her Facebook Page!!

    Susan Hargreaves Parker
    23 hrs ·
    It was a most impressive showing in a race that carried virtually impossible odds. That needs to change, a stacked deck is not healthy for voters and constituents.

    Tip of the hat to Jim Ireton

  46. I saw him at the OC Irish parade. That's exactly right. He did nothing but wave and prose. He acts like women and men should swoon. This woman prefers a real man. He isn't anything to look at.

  47. Anonymous said...
    I saw him at the OC Irish parade. That's exactly right. He did nothing but wave and prose. He acts like women and men should swoon. This woman prefers a real man. He isn't anything to look at.

    April 30, 2016 at 10:22 AM

    Oh don't worry! I can assure you he doesn't prefer you either!

  48. Susan Parker and Josh Hastings are part of the crew pushing the left wing agenda at the Democrat Club, notice I didn't refer to them as leaders.

    They are the ones crying that Jim Ireton go spanked. Yes, vote for vote it was a landslide. If Jim busted his ass as much as these two claim then you can't call it nothing but a landslide. Bunch of ignorant Left Wing Nuts!

  49. The woman has no idea what gerrymandering means if she thinks it had anything to do with Jim's loss.

  50. Locals who have witnessed and experienced the irrational behaviors of Jim Ireton know what a huge mistake it would have been to send him to the nation's capital to represent District 1. This man is in serious need of mental health services, the sooner the better. So grateful that voters turned out so that we would not be the laughingstock of capital hill. Anyone but him!!!!!

  51. 10:22AM Not sure if you were being funny or snarky. Considering you can see Ireton's people are one here trying to cry and moan who knows. Maybe Susan Parker should write a column about how Jim Ireton needs mental health help. Seriously. This isn't a joke. He needs alcoholism therapy. He needs rehab. I am a professional counselor. I have seen him out at these establishments. I am not claiming I was at church. I had a few drinks myself. A few. And had fun. But he was pounding drink after drink got massively drunk. And I didn't stick around but how does he get home from all these drunken nights people talk about?

    1. There's a few of them at the top of city government and council that need to get some mental health therapy. Not to point a specific finger but check out the next broadcast of council meetings, the anxiety level of one top official while trying to discuss and interact with members is tough to watch and of course good ol Jake Day well that one goes without saying. The whole look at me I'm the "boss" and he seems to be following down the mayoral trait of "it's 5 o'clock somewhere lets party

    2. I am very serious. Something needs to be done before he goes off on one of the children in his class. I feel sorry for the parents whose children are exposed to this dangerous and sick person.

  52. That poster has it right. Jim Ireton did ALL of that work they say! He worked like so hard y'all. Ok. Then let's think about that. He worked that hard AND.... lost to a loser who never left his house. Who has crazy face in a selfie he took as his head shot for Congress. So what does that tell us. Jimmy banging on all those doors convinced people they liked him SO much they'd vote for a guy they didn't know because as everyone on here said it was ANYONE BUT IRETON. I am so sick of these flaming fairy guys running around town like Ireton and hastings pushing their unhealthy and unnatural sex things in our face. Stay at home and do what's unhealthy and unholy but don't push it in our face Ireton. I will happily buy you a one way ticket to fairyland in Delaware where you belong fairy!

  53. Ireton lost because the majority of people have had enough of his limp-wristed, hand waving mannerisms. He makes my skin crawl with all the drama he creates and narcissistic attitude.

  54. And you know what Susan Parker and fellow travelers will never report this. Never. They read this and think you're idiots. Last postee: I saw Jim Ireton on the non-gay beach in Delaware maybe two years. He was with two women and Ryan Hughes. And the men were prancing around, arms waving, talking loudly in high voices. Ireton and Hughes caling each other girl and Mary. And someone said hey there are children here and the finally shut up but I mean they dont know how to act in public. Sick. Sad.

  55. His being gay aside, he's an ineffective politician. In the years that he was mayor, he was a foot-stamping baby tyrant whose constant protesting and posturing made it clear to most everyone but his most ardent supporters (all twenty of them) that he didn't have a clue about what he was doing.
    We'd have to be idiots to send him anyplace but packing. To trust him any further with any sort of larger responsibility would be a great mistake.

  56. Oh darn. I was posting this using my phone and something happened. Anyhow. What I was going to say about Jim Ireton acting out in public. I saw him on one of the non-gay beaches about two years ago. Ireton and Ryan Hughes were literally prancing around calling each other girl and Mary. They were acting like women. It was bizarre. And someone nearby saw and said something. I was trying to say this in the post. I couldn't understand it. Still to this day.

  57. Ha. Day believing its "5 oclock somewhere" - Oh boy! And the best of the best of this thread. Jim Ireton and Ryan Hughes acting like women on the beach and swishing and prancing. Oh my. lol.

  58. April 29, 2016 at 10:26 PM - if he is not transgender then what is he doing in the ladies bathroom.

  59. Well Jim Ireton I will try to help you understand all the above posts that make very good points. Jimbeau, put your drink down, and sit down and listen. Jimmy Girl your political career is over. Your own party will look at your performance and never allow you near any other political seat. You were demoted from Mayor to Council. You got what was coming to you. The bottom. Dunzo. See kiddo when you treat people like dirt, especially women, they don't vote for you. When you run around drunk, people take notice and don't vote for you. When you lack ethics or moral character, ppl don't vote for you. More than 35 percent of Wicomico and Worcester Counties voted for Werner. AND THESE ARE DEMOCRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You were rejected. You are a reject. It's not out fault your daddy is in state prison. Boo hoo. Now you're a daddy alright. I can only imagine what kind of Daddy. Yuck. Bye bye sugar pie!

  60. You know what I thought after I saw the results that Ireton lost in this embarrassing way? That he should resign his council seat. He lied to all of us about wanting to be on the Council. He lost this primary race in a humiliating way. I mean how much more egg or whatever could Jim have on his face than this. I say Joe writing an opposing view column why Jim Ireton should resign and give it to Susan Parker and see if she puts it in her newspaper. That commie pinko rag.

  61. Have you looked at election results summary? All I could find was an unofficial one, before the counting of absentees.

    Dorchester Ireton 1500+, Werner less than 1000
    Somerset Ireton 1000+ Werner less than 600
    Wicomico Ireton 6200+ Werner 2000+
    Worcester Ireton 3318+ Werner 1400+

    So it was NOT the 4 Lower Eastern Shore counties that beat Ireton as the unofficial voter summary supported him. over his opponent. Other shore counties Ireton carried were Kent and Talbot Ireton lost because of the voters across the bay, in Baltimore County, Carroll County, and Caroline, Queen Anne's and Harford here on the shore.

    I am not an Ireton fan and did not vote for him. With the # of votes he received I do not believe Ireton's political career is over - yet.

  62. Thank you for posting the numbers. I tried to explain this to the low info homophobes, but they were too busy bashing anyone with an opposing view even though I am a republican.

  63. Oh the last two comments - Oh wink wink "I'm not an Ireton fan." Wink wink "I'm a Republican."

    Let's see which one of the Ireton crew that would be? Surprised Jimmy you are out of bed this early.

    If Jim Ireton got about 1/3rd of the votes Werner got on the Eastern shore Ireton would have won. It is that simple.

    Ireton needed about one thousand plus votes to win.

    So yes he did lose the election on the Eastern Shore. Idiots.

    About 30 percent of voters in Wicomico and Worcester Counties voted for Werner. That is very very HIGH in a DEMOCRATIC primary.

    30 percent of his OWN party in his home counties voted for Werner - who they didn't know who he was and if they did they knew he was a flipping nut.

    So to the last two posters - if you are Ireton, girlfriend Ryan Hughes, or Chuck Cook - please go away. Pretending to be Republicans or "not Jim Ireton" fans to shill your fuzzy math is pathetic.

    Jim Ireton's career is over. Done. Bye bye Jimmy girl! Bye bye Ry Rye cutie pie. Your chances of going to the Governor's mansion are done. Make your reservation for a trailer park lot now!

  64. Jim Ireton is a narcissist. Everything he does is about him and about assuaging the little boy who lied. He grew up to be the big boy who lies. He is dangerous to this community. He shouldn't be in office. He is dangerous to teaching our children. I really don't understand why is allowed to continue to teach since all that is known about him.

  65. Of course the Daily Times is promoting homosexuals like Jim Ireton that Ryan Hughes kid and Hastings. Because they couldn't do articles on Christians. Successful business people. No we all have to wave the rainbow flag and bake gay cakes. Disgusting.

  66. 1:19 must have flunked math in what ever the last grade attended in school.

    Wicomico Totals:
    Ireton 6200+ Werner 2000+

  67. Ok. So pay attention. I can always repeat it slowly.

    Werner got 3764 votes in Wicomico and Worcester counties.

    If Jim Ireton got just 30 percent of Werner's votes in Wicomico and Worcester counties - Ireton would have won the primary.

    Ireton lost at home. And Werner racked up totals in his home base. He simply did better.

    It's hard to argue with people who pout. Jimmy you lost. Find out why 3764 voters in your own back yard and in your own party abandoned you like you have abandoned them so many times.

  68. Gays don't molest children as often as family members do.

  69. This is ridiculous. Every candidate has their home area or neighborhoods etc. Do you think this Werner guy is saying "Well I would have won by a lot more if it wasn't for those pesky votes Jim Ireton got on the Eastern Shore?"

    It's nuts. Stop the madness here. Jim you ran your race like you ran for mayor. And guess what big boy it doesn't work like that you. Every vote counts the same. So if you lost you lost because you didn't convince enough people. All these excuses just stop it.

  70. I think Ireton is too dumb to do another kamikaze mission in two years. I suspect he now has his eyes on a Delegate seat or crazy something higher at the state level.

    See this Congressional race was a lark or really to cover over the fact he stepped down as Mayor. He knew he'd lose that race to Day. And the Congressional race gave him a new spotlight and a bigger one. He never dreamed he wouldn't face Harris in the fall. He thought he'd give Harris a real race - yet lose. But in doing so gain the respect of the Democratic party elders. But this just makes it look like Ireton can't run a one car parade. Which he can't.

  71. 12:23 just nailed it. Thank you.

    Gay Frank nailed it above, too. I really despise the anti-gay crap in here. Ireton lost because, as another said, because he is Jim Ireton.

    Also correct is his lie to Salisbury in running for council. He did it just to keep his name out there, just like this run. His campaign committee is something like "Jim for Maryland." He thought he would just take Norm's seat, but Nirmy got beat. Look for him to take in Carl Anderton next or wait for Jim Mathias to hand his seat to the Great and Powerful Wizard of Ooze. Or to run as Gansler's running mate. Ooze doesn't care. He wants a position, any position, so he can politically climb up to his birthright.

    Beware. He has spoken!


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