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Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Will This Conservative Icon Help Trump Take Wisconsin?

Sarah Palin has gone out on a limb for Donald Trump. The former Alaska governor endorsed Trump in Iowa, and spoke on his behalf in Florida even while her husband was gravely injured following a snowmobile accident.

This weekend, Palin took the stage in Wisconsin to stump for Trump, making the case for the New York billionaire and taking shots at Ted Cruz, Glenn Beck(subtly) and others.

Will it be enough to help Trump get over the top?

Source: AAN


  1. Icon...more like air head!

  2. lol...Palin flopped in Wisconsin. Rightfully, she was laughed at.

  3. Conservative "Icon"? More like Ding-dong. I'm all for Trump, but she might do more harm than good...

  4. NOPE. Sure glad she endorsed Trump instead of Cruz.


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