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Tuesday, April 05, 2016

What Black Lives Matter Really Thinks of America: Warning, Foul Language


  1. If they hate this country so much then leave, no one is keeping them here! I would be more than glad to pay for a one way ticket to any other country that would have him, the sooner the better!!

  2. BLM has nothing to do with saving the lives of black Americans. If it did BLM would never leave Chicago. Just ask former Raven Ray Lewis. He should know. He has a scrape with a black death in his past.

    BLM is completely about Marxist revolution.

  3. They are funded by Soro's and aren't smart enough to know it. Time to cut the free stuff for criminals.

  4. We have people like this who depend on us for everything , they think they may have to work for a living if things change.
    When it hits the fan , which it will , I have no problem taking these people out . They will be at rest and I will satisfied with my legacy of helping to "Make America Great Again".
    I think of these humans as parasites and an incurable cancer.
    They trample on my country and flag which I have fought to give everyone freedom of speech and all rights. Their disrespect will be their demise . Sorry folks , that's just the way it is , we have tried to educate and talk since to these people , they have rejected the truth.


  5. 6:47
    Enjoyed the comment, ditto. Nothing to be sorry for though.

  6. Same here 6:47. I stand ready to help you thin the herd when the time comes and will do so without apologies.

  7. 6:47 AM, Very much enjoyed your comment and I feel the same way.

  8. 6:47
    Sadly, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. They are just the tip of the freeloading iceberg. Their votes cancel ours out. Their second and third fraudulent votes doom us to a third world Socialist ghetto. It's a very sad time for our country.
    When it does hit the fan...they can't put us all in jail!

  9. He sounds like Obama when he wants to pick and choose the laws he wishes to follow. He chooses to recognize standing on the American Flag as a First Amendment right but doesn't recognize other parts of the law. This movement will only get worse as the weather gets warmer and we draw closer to the elections. I have said it for 6 years, Obama will try to disrupt things enough to declare Martial Law so he may stay in power.

  10. When the handouts end ....maybe seniors can get a Social Security raise. After all.... they worked for it and paid into it all their lives.

  11. It boggles the mind that anyone can believe this pure racist rant. I have talked with many that feel the same way. I will not say it is genetics because many Black Americans live a fruitful and quality life. They chose to work and not make excuses. All Ohbama has done is peel the scab off of lazy ignorance. I do not like his politics but he did show that a man of color can do whatever he wants to. This has agitated all those that voted for him under the belief they would get a free pass. Shocking how many believed they would own homes and cars and all they had to was be Black.

    If you want to go back to mother land they are raping and killing each other at alarming rates. Hell it is 2016 and millions still live in tribes and sleep in grass huts. The only thing free left in this world is air. The rest you have to work for.

    This is the land of the free and the brave. If you do not like it one is free to go anywhere they want. It would be cheaper to send these people back and renounce their citizenship. I would be willing to pay higher taxes in the end it is a winning proposition for all.


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