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Monday, April 25, 2016



  1. hey fatty,enjoy your oboma phone while it lasts. your going to get run over by the trump train very soon.all the other working class citizens have to take a drug test to get a check.hope it changes soon.fat lazy slobs like her,make it bad for everyone. bet her momma is proud of her.

  2. She is smarter than the rest of us.

    But her life doesn't matter as much as some other folks.

  3. Is the woman in the picture the actual caller?

  4. The women is PAID to vote, to elect the Jim Ireton's and the RINOS , she is living on the government plantation.

  5. This is several years old, but you can bet she's still sucking the public teat for all she's worth. I hope that her kids won't turn out like this, but the odds are against them.

  6. I spot a democrat

  7. I'll bet that she votes with an absentee ballot.

  8. You didn't have to go to Texas to find this lump,there are plenty more here on the shore for whom not working is a way of life.I can no longer work due to multiple health problems and have to fight SS for it,meanwhile I know all kinds of drunks who are on it and had no problem getting it.We need an overhaul in this country.Life threatening diseases? You get disability automatically.Too drunk to hold down a job? Too f*cking bad,you get nothing.

  9. Wow! I wonder how many racist bigots opened the article and were surprised to see a white lady? I notice a different tone in the comments! Why no LAZY, WELFARE, RAISED BAD, INHERETED BEHAVIOR, TYPICAL BEHAVIOR comments? Even the people interviewing were soft on her! I wonder how they would talk if it were a black male? You anonymous idiots entertain me. Such obvious bigots with double standards LOL The truth is while some people need help, the system does not offer the right type of help which is to help them help themselves and become productive citizens! They feel like why work and make 1400 a month when I can receive more than that from programs! And if I work the programs are reduced to the point I will have less than I had by not working! OF COURSE THIS IS FLAUD LOST HOPE THINKING BUT WHEN YOU BEEN ON THE BOTTOM ALL YOUR LIFE IT TAKES MORE THAN MOST WILL EVER KNOW TO BREAK THE CYCLE. Understand BEFORE you judge!

  10. Money will run out eventually because there are more and more young people going on welfare and fewer workers. If people don't work where will the taxes come from to pay for welfare benefits? Oh, that's right, the rich! Who will then take their money elsewhere. A crash is coming. Remember it was Bill Clinton who created the mortgage-backed securities which led to real estate bubble burst during GW's presidency. But, of course, the democrats blamed Bush and still do. Electing Hillary will cause the final crash. Hopefully, enough people will wise up before Nov's election.

  11. Of course working is stupid...unless you LIKE being poor.


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