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Wednesday, April 06, 2016

We MUST Make A Massive Change As In NOW!


  1. That's outrageous since most members of Congress are already millionaires.

  2. There are many congress members that are not millionaires....BUT...I agree with the sentiment. This use to be an election issue but today..people are too busy watching television and believe there is no way to change anything because your elected officials are bought and paid for. Cant say I disagree with that one either.

    What I can disagree with is the fact that there is still a way to shine a light on the evils of what is going on.....but then I don't want to have a nasty accident and turn up dead. :)

  3. This won't change until they have to actually ask their boss for a raise like the rest of us.

  4. I think ANY raises should be voted on by referendum by the people! No more voting yourself raises.
    Same with term limits.....put it up for referendum by the people!

  5. No more voting yourself any benefits, like healthcare and retirement. The employer should decide.


  6. 10:57

    There are many congress members that are not millionaires....BUT..

    They will be before leaving the trough..

  7. Those seniors should have planned ahead better. Relying on ANY government program shows lack of forethought and personal responsibility.


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