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Thursday, April 28, 2016

WBOC Said, "Many Consider The Convention Center The Hub Of Ocean City"

It never ceases to amaze me how WBOC conveniently uses words like above for the power of suggestion.

We can start with, who are "MANY"? I can tell you, I live in Ocean City and the majority of people I have spoken to are quite upset that they are considering expanding the convention center. 

WHY does WBOC refuse to show people who DISAGREE? Oh, that's right. They sell commercials for things like Springfest and many other events. Why bite the hand that feeds you, right?

If you ever wondered WHY SBYNews is so successful, it is because we aren't afraid to tell the TRUTH. We will not allow our our advertisers to direct us in what we will or won't post. Finally, people can publish their honest opinion anonymously. ALL other news sources use Facebook Comment because you must use your real identity. Guess what, you are NOT going to get the TRUTH from people that way in fear of retaliation. 

Finally, I think the OCEAN is the HUB OF OCEAN CITY, how about you?


  1. Didn't they just finish an addition to the convention center? How can they need more space already?

  2. Hub... what a complete joke--OC is a dump if you really look at below 50th street,,, and the condos are old and aging poorly--and the year round people that live there are mostly alcoholics and drug addicts---

    Yup it's the truth

  3. Sure. I think the ocean could be the hub or the boardwalk or even the amusement parks. The hub would be different depending on why the visitor is coming to town. To attract conventions and meetings, those visitors might consider the convention center a hub. Bigger venue with more services could attract more convention visitors especially in shoulder and off seasons. Personally, my work sends me off to two conventions a year. One of them attracts around 7000 attendees with about 800 exhibitors and the other about 10000 attendees with around 1200 exhibitors. OC convention center couldn't come close to holding either of these 4 day events.

  4. It's the beach and the shoppes! Then bars and restaurants. Then events like the Dew Tour and other open air events, Trimpers and go karts! Car shows, and cool rides!

    Oh, and there's a convention center, too.

  5. Didnt i tell you boycott their advertisers or let them know why you wont do bussinesss with them...we need to start using our $power

  6. DEW Tour really? Some idiot bean counter sold out Pepsi (sponsor of the DEW Tour) because they could save $15K by giving an exclusive vending machine contract to Coca Cola. The Town pays off Union demands for their Firefighters and Police at every increased pay demand. They haven't raised pay for any of their other employees in years. They collect the bulk of their taxes from property owners that don't live there (aren't allowed to vote) and they give the few residents that do live there a measly cheaper bus ride that is practically non-existent off season. Has it ever occurred to anyone that maybe OC runs out of things to spend the taxes they collect? Maybe that's how the Convention Center expansion came up.

  7. R U runnin 4 Mare of OC?

  8. Joe is correct. The hub of OC is the ocean. Ocean City would not exist if not for the ocean.

  9. What idiot wants anything to do with that friggin Zoo...OC sucks

  10. Should have seen the 6 and 7 pm weather forecast last night. Dan told us it was going to be cold and rainy all week into the weekend with a smile on his face!!!! He even joked about how sunny and pleasant it was just south of here on the outer banks of NC and in West Virginia! He was borderline nasty! He definitely needs to go!!!!


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