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Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Trump Quotes from his Bible

Donald Trump was asked if he could quote any Bible verses.

He answered: Trump 20:16, "Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Deport him and you won't have to feed him again."


  1. Love the Trump quote.

  2. Love that quote. Illegal immigration is the root of all our countries problems.

    Now is the time to close the borders forever. No more anchor babies. Just because we had an open border policy for years this it the time to put an end to it. Radical Islam and rampant illegal aliens are killing our country. Fifty percent of the country is working their asses off so that the other lazy ass 50% don't have to.

    It's time to cut off welfare and Obamaphones. If you haven't lived in this country for 10 years or worked for 10 years to pay into the system you are not eligible. Just because you are black and delivers a new baby does not mean you automatically qualify for welfare and medical assistance. That goes for some of you lazy ass Hillbillies and ShoreBillies as well.

    I am tired of hearing Whitey defend Welfare and food stamps/EBT card because it helped them while they were down. Well maybe so but you shouldn't have had unprotected sex if you couldn't afford your rugrat. I am sure you or the baby daddy could work. Now find a job and get back to work. That 50% that is working their asses off are getting tired of it and when they stop working then no one is going to want to work.

    What part of Broke don't you lazy asses understand? This country is fricken broke!


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