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Sunday, April 24, 2016

Trump Protest Tactic: Get Tickets, Don't Show

An Indianapolis woman is hoping her viral Facebook post will leave empty seats at Wednesday's Donald Trump Rally at the Indiana State Fairgrounds.

"Here's the link to tix for tomorrow's Trump rally at the State Fairgrounds here in Indy," Becky Schlomann posted on the Indiana Equality Facebook group at about 10:30 a.m. Tuesday. "I reserved the max number per phone number (2) so that those seats will go unfilled. This is a form of protest that worked well in Michigan. Will you consider doing the same and sharing?"

The post was shared more than 650 times in seven hours.

Demian Hostetter said this is a way to quietly protest without drawing more attention to Trump.

"I was just trying to think about ways to protest him in town instead of going outside and contributing to the violence," Hostetter said. "Honestly, in the best-case scenario, there won’t be anyone there to hear his hateful rhetoric. The more his words are echoed by anyone, the more powerful he becomes."



  1. That's not the way the tickets work you sign up for a ticket with your name and number so the Secret Service knows who is going to be in the neighborhood that night then whatever size venue the people that holds that's how many they let in to fill up the hall.

  2. Dishonest, deception and bullying sounds like a democrat. I was at Berlin last night I still can't get over the turn out. It was insane to me no doubt Trump will win 2016. He has my vote 100 percent.

    1. This is what's wrong with the world today. Dishonest

  3. Things like this are making people vote for him.

  4. Stupid is as stupid does.

  5. Hateful? Really you cant be serious. Truth hurts the liers and deceived. They writh and scream in agony as the true word is spoken. It's the disease of political correctness, years of communist political indoctrination by the public schools and the liberal left-wing communist media that has been funded, supported and verbalized by the federal government. most left-wing nuts are ignorant of history and its failures.

  6. Good luck with that. They're going to give out five times as many tickets as the venue can support.
    Keep your tickets to show to your grandchildren then sell them on eBay.

  7. Good idea. I will now reserve tickets to all democratic events. Countrywide no-show.

  8. Now they have cell numbers for all the agitators, so when they do this repeatedly, it's easier to identify them and where they are from.

  9. Stupid people do stupid things, if it was tried here......it didn't work, thousands of people were there!

  10. In Berlin last night, no tickets were collected or asked for at the door. Just had to go through the scanner, just like an airport.

    My guess is they do the ticket thing on the website to get an idea on what size crowd may be showing up. How much law enforcement is needed for the crowd, etc.

  11. Yesterday, in Berlin, MD, I saw 10,000 supporters and about 25 haters.

    Trump by a LANDSLIDE!!!!

  12. This doesn't make you a protester....it makes you a liar.

  13. Let's see, venue holds 3,000 people, 30,000 tickets handed out, 20,000 people showed up, 10,000 stayed, lots of people got tickets to say they had them. So a few jerks got a couple to make a point. How well notice was that protest? Kinda like Chicago's gun laws controlling the murder rate or Obamacare reducing health care costs. Stupid wishful thinking by folks that are clueless.

  14. She would've fit in with the NAZI party very well.

  15. "My guess is they do the ticket thing on the website to get an idea on what size crowd may be showing up. How much law enforcement is needed for the crowd, etc."

    I think they do the ticket thing to build an email list.

    Trump is a smart cookie.

  16. They issue tickets as part of their campaign analysis to judge amount of support a candidate has. They have statistical formulas that take into account that a certain percentage will be claimed by no shows, fakes and non-supporters. It has nothing to do with getting in to the venue.

  17. Now lets keep this enthusiasm up for general elections.

  18. That's a great idea. Lets all get tickets for Clinton and sanders events.

  19. Did it really matter? Many have said they were never asked for tickets in the first place so did the absentee protestors big hog fest really matter? No. Nice! Now days protestors are so lazy they don't even show up to protest. That's the kind of protestors most people like. The ones who don't even bother to show up.


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