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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Transgender in Women's Bathroom (Social Experiment)


  1. The video was kind of stupid but him coming into a bathroom behind me would be scary. Just no!

  2. I watch this video and I cannot imagine why everybody is protesting the "bathroom law" in NC. I don't know how men would feel about a transgender female to male in their restroom but as a woman I would be totally uncomfortable with it. And not even so much that the person is a transgender. It is the pervert/rapist factor that would make me uncomfortable. Look at our society today people. How long do you think it will be before a woman or child is raped in a restroom by a pervert who is not a transgender at all but a rapist dressed as a woman simply to get in the restroom with that woman or child.

    I fail to see why so many people do not see the danger in this. Everybody wants to scream about discrimination against transgender people but it truly is not to me.

    The other thing I cannot understand about all of these performers cancelling their performances is why they are all allowed to do so just because of their personal beliefs about the LGBT issue. How is that any different from the baker who didn't bake a cake for the gay couple's wedding. They refused to bake the cake/perform, based on their LGBT/religious beliefs, and were fined thousands of dollars. It seems a person can be forced to conform "in favor" of the gay issue, but a person can refuse to conform when "not in favor" of the gay issue and that is okay. What's up with that? Double standard much?

  3. Women you have democrats to thank for this.

  4. So if compromising the sanctity of public restrooms is the source of all this controversy, why not just make a bill to solely address that issue. Instead the bathroom clause is just the spearhead to push through the right for people to discriminate.

    Or better yet, end the puritan perspective on nudity/sexuality and allow for co-ed everything. Social nudity happens in many other countries with little negative repercussions. It tends to be the sexually repressed people that seem to have the most problems controlling their urges (e.g. priests, muslim men).

  5. This is what liberals have done to our society. The general mentality in NYC and Hollywood goes with the flow of whatever they're told. And how many of you continue to support liberals in Hollywood or elsewhere by attending their movies and concerts? Just sayin...

  6. Who will be held responsible for crimes committed by these freaks on women and children in these restrooms?

  7. To all women out there - you can buy pepper spray, please get some and carry in your purse at all times. They want to let these degenerates in the restroom, you can take care of them with your spray.


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