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Tuesday, April 05, 2016



  1. The Second Amendment is the most important "civil right" that citizen possess. Without it the Bill of Rights is not worth anything.

    Keeping in mind that the term "civil rights" does not appear in the Constitution or The Bill of Rights.

  2. If you clowns knew anything of the constitution, you would know that we are a democracy, which was sold to the devil (Rothschilds when they started the federal reserve bank) pretty much back in the depression days... We used to be a republic... There is a difference...

    With that said, you have no rights, the govt just allows you to think you have rights by them not taking them away 100% completely... Everyone would revolt probably by then... They know this stuff which is why all the bad things that are happening, are not as worse as it can be...

  3. We live in an oligarchy. At least in a democracy 51% call the shots for the other 49


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