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Monday, April 25, 2016

Subject: Manafort: My Comments About Trump Playing A 'Part' Were Taken Out Of Context

On this weekend’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday,” Paul Manafort, the convention manager for Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump, said his comments last week at a Republican National Committee meeting that Trump is playing a “part” were taken out of context.

Manafort, said “I was talking about rallies versus some other setting,” adding, “the context I was talking about. We were evolving the campaign, not the candidate, and the settings were going to start changing.”

He added., “In the context of that room that’s what I said and that’s what was understood. When it was taken out of context the question that was asked to me wasn’t prefaced with my answer you get a distorted thing. Donald Trump said it yesterday on the campaign trail, he addressed the issue completely, ‘Look, I’m playing to — when I’m out here i want to talk to you and be — to show you who i am in this environment. When I’m going to give a policy speech, I’m going to be giving a policy speech.’ He said it straight up.”


1 comment:

  1. Of course it was taken out of context. The RNC is hellbent on making idiots of themselves. To misquote a man like Manafort while illegally recording without his consent just shows the great lengths they will go to keep their DC elite power and protect their gravy trains. The sad thing is, people are getting wiser by the moment and the veneer is being ripped away. Elections have consequences and elephants have long memories. No one will forget their nonsense nor their belligerence.


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