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Wednesday, April 06, 2016

Subject: Kristol: Cruz Eying Fiorina for VP Spot

Carly Fiorina, the former Hewlett Packard CEO who dropped out of the GOP presidential race in February, is near the top of Ted Cruz’s wish list for his vice-presidential running mate, Bill Kristol, editor of The Weekly Standard, tells Newsmax TV.

"I'm hoping for it. I'm sort of hearing it in the sense that I was told by someone close to the Cruz campaign that Fiorina would be close to the top of the list of possible VPs," Kristol, an influential Republican insider, said Monday on "The Steve Malzberg Show."

Not that the Texas senator, who trails front-runner Donald Trump in the race for the GOP presidential nomination, is all that concerned about his No. 2 pick at the moment.

"They have to catch Trump first and then get to 1,237 [delegates to win the nomination]," said Kristol, who believes Cruz will win The Badger State for bonanza of 42 delegates.



  1. Palin was Kristols big idea, no thanks. He is less than useless.

  2. Actually, I think a Cruz/Fiorina ticket would be very good.

  3. She ruined Hewlett/Packard.

  4. He's another non-citizen.


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