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Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Subject: IRS Contempt for Rule of Law

In a complete mockery of Rule of Law, IRS Commissioner John Koskinen told the Senate Finance Committee last week that it’s “in everybody’s interest” to have illegal aliens use fraudulent Social Security numbers to file taxes. Come again?

Koskinen’s outrageous assertion came in response to a question posed by Sen. Dan Coats (R-IN), who wondered why “the IRS continues to process tax returns with false W-2 information and issue refunds as if they were routine tax returns.” Coats' staff also “learned the IRS ignores notifications from the Social Security Administration that a name does not match a Social Security number, and you use your own system to determine whether a number is valid.”

Koskinen defended the procedure, beginning with the absurd assertion that it’s not the IRS’s job to ascertain such validity. “What happens in these situations is someone is using a Social Security number to get a job, but they’re filing their tax return with their [taxpayer identification number].” Koskinen further explained the agency sometimes knows such individuals “are undocumented aliens,” but they’re nonetheless paying taxes, and it’s in “everybody’s interest to have them pay the taxes they owe.”

Unbelievably, Koskinen kept digging. “The question is whether the Social Security numbers have been stolen. In many cases, they have been borrowed from friends or acquaintances with permission,” Koskinen said. “It’s not the normal identity-theft situation.” He went on to insist the agency is attempting to determine the difference between “bad” misuse of personal data and other misuse of it “without necessarily having people decide not to file their taxes.” He concluded, “Obviously, the priority is to have the IRS collecting those taxes.”

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  1. Yep 1984 is here ..that was doublespeak .in otherwords total CRAP

  2. How about when they receive the taxes they paid back as refunds and even credits that are not due them??


  4. This is the norm in the Obama Administration. It's okay for them to break laws because they know they'll be protected or pardoned for simply obeying orders. That's why Hillary is not worried that she'll be indicted. She probably has plenty on Obama as he does on her.

  5. These are the very same Nazi wanna-be's that will pursue "we, the people" to the ends of the earth for $48 in unpaid taxes. If MY SSN is wrong or illegible, MY return gets flagged, sent back, delayed, etc.
    Orwell would be ecstatic!! The government ---- "yes, we are well aware there are people using fake SSN's, but the law is , well, uh, er, um, nothing we pay attention to anyway, because if we DID, we would have to find out how the President of the United States is using the SSN of a dead man from Connecticut (a State he NEVER lived in)....explain THAT to Congress.
    Two sets of laws, maybe three now --- one for the masters and wealthy, one for the serfs and one for illegal criminals.
    When the rule of law begins to disappear, so does the respect for it.
    When it collapses, you better have some plan in mind, other than peace, love, diversity, and inclusion.
    "We, the people" are getting played like suckers every single day.
    Keep cheering.


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