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Wednesday, April 06, 2016

Subject: Illegal Minors Flooding U.S. REFUSE Mexico's Offer of Asylum

Just 0.3 percent of minors (3 out of 1000) fleeing Central America accept Mexico's offer of refugee status, deciding instead to cross into the United States to seek asylum, raising new questions about their credibility to claim that their lives are in danger.

Under fire from Human Rights Watch for granting asylum to just 52 of 16,869 unaccompanied minors caught last year, the Mexican government said that the illegals rejected help and decided instead to head into the United States or be sent back home.

"All unaccompanied girls, boys, and adolescents are offered refuge in Mexico and the INM has documented that minors reject it because their sole purpose is to reach the United States or to be reunited with their closest relatives because in Mexico they would not have the opportunity to do so," said Mexico's National Institute for Migration in a statement slamming the Human Rights Watch report.

The statement, revealed by the Center for Immigration Studies, draws into question claims by the tens of thousands of illegal minors flooding into the United States that their lives are in danger and that they need refugee status in America.

"What credibility do these minors have to claim asylum when they reach the United States, after they cross through a country which offers them refuge?" said the report from CIS, authored by Kausha Luna, who recently documented the wave of Cubans crossing into the U.S.

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