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Thursday, April 28, 2016

State proposes gradual rise in diploma test score standard

BALTIMORE (AP) — The Maryland State Board of Education says it plans to gradually increase the standardized test scores that students must achieve to earn a high school diploma starting next school year.

The agency said Wednesday it will publish the proposed rule soon in the Maryland Register, followed by a 30-day public-comment period.

The class of 2017 will be the first affected. Under the proposal, they would have to get a combined score of 1,450 on 10th-grade English and Algebra I exams from the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers.



  1. Well considering out children in this county can't even pass the benchmarks, this should be interesting to watch.

  2. They can't pass anything because we stopped requiring them to succeed. The liberals have made failure something to be proud of

  3. They can't pass the tests, but they all get a trophy! Lots of high schools just pass the thugs to get rid of them, after all, they can't hold half the class back another year; they're already overcrowded!

    It used to be that school was a competition between students to get the better grade. That's not taught or rewarded anymore, hence the result.


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