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Friday, April 22, 2016

State Department Office Removed Benghazi Files After Congressional Subpoena

State Department officials removed files from the secretary’s office related to the Benghazi attack in Libya and transferred them to another department after receiving a congressional subpoena last spring, delaying the release of the records to Congress for over a year.

Attorneys for the State Department said the electronic folders, which contain hundreds of documents related to the Benghazi attack and Libya, were belatedly rediscovered at the end of last year.

They said the files had been overlooked by State Department officials because the executive secretary’s office transferred them to another department and flagged them for archiving last April, shortly after receiving a subpoena from the House Select Committee on Benghazi.

The new source of documents includes electronic folders used by senior officials under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. They were originally kept in the executive secretary’s office, which handles communication and coordination between the secretary of state’s office and other department bureaus.

The House Benghazi Committee requested documents from the secretary’s office in a subpoena filed in March 2015. Congressional investigators met with the head of the executive secretary’s office staff to discuss its records maintenance system and the scope of the subpoena last April. That same month, State Department officials sent the electronic folders to another bureau for archiving, and they were not searched in response to the request.



  1. There is such a blatant, obvious cover-up at the State Dept. that needs to be dealt with. This is obstruction of justice. People should be jailed over this.. a LOT of people.

    We need Mr Trump. Nobody else will get this done. Even trump will have a hard time.

    Kerry has to be involved in this. He couldn't possibly be ignorant of all that has been reported recently as this cover-up has been so extensive and active.

  2. Will this sleight of hand by the State Department ever end? This is Kerry's house, so what he says to his department is what happens, if he's really in control. My guess is that Hillary still has some strong ties to State, and may have some senior members' secrets held in reserve.

  3. just wait until after we see more of the Election fraud they have waiting for us...neighborhood organizers with no moral compass at all... pathetic

  4. And who was Secretary of State when the files were scuttled?

    BINGO, guilty and going to jail, right?

  5. You continue to cheer and they continue to slap you across the face like they just bought you this morning.
    Ignore subpoenas. Destroy evidence. Falsify documents. Obstruct justice. Outright LIE.
    "We, the people" would be arguing our side from prison. Trying to come up with bail and wondering what our families will do while we serve the sentence.
    It SHOULD disgust every single citizen, but its hard to stand for integrity when your on your knees.
    Under investigation by the FBI and runs for President!
    The entire democratic party is a bag full of lying, misrepresenting, obfuscating, law-breaking, pandering con artists who would rather walk 50 miles and lie than stand still and tell the truth.
    But then again, so are the republicans.
    NEITHER of them has a gram of concern for you or I. They'll wrap themselves in the flag (though hardly any of them ever DID anything to deserve that honor) and spout the usual "jobs! I'll create jobs!!' and "I'll fight racism! (fill in the blank). "I'll repeal obamacare!". Whatever the audience of the moment wants....
    NONE of that gets done. Just lofty promises that you fall for every four years like it something you've never heard and it's WONDERFUL!!
    Then, you get four more years of declining wages, spending power, price increases, "conflicts' with third world cesspool countries, more taxes, more surveillance, and more dead end realities.
    Your blissful stupidity is not only amazing in it's depth, but scary for its inevitable consequences.
    Keep cheering.

  6. Hickory dickery dock, Hillary's trying to run out the clock. all of her E-mails have been a bad part, but that's really just the start. There's bengausi and the clinton foundation too so what's she gonna do. the FBI is on her case so befor long she may be in a place with bars on all the windows and doors and an orange jump suit which i'm sure she abhours. in public she seems never to fret, because she is sure her followers will forget. all of her followers think she is the queen and the very best they've ever seen but all of this may be to no avail because Hillary Clinton is going to JAIL. Stu Stinchfield


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