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Thursday, April 28, 2016

Ryan Tells Young Voters to Ignore Personalities, Vote for Ideas

House Speaker Paul D. Ryan pleaded with college students to look beyond the personalities in this year’s presidential election and instead vote based on ideas, saying Wednesday that the GOP can win that battle.

Holding a town hall with students at Georgetown University, Mr. Ryan urged millennials to pressure leaders to start tackling the debt so it’s not left for their their generation, and said it should be the driving issue for young voters.

And he said the tone of the political fight has grown worse than he’s seen during 18 years in Congress.

“I have never seen the well poisoned as much as it is these days. I have not seen the kind of vitriol and the kind of bitterness in our politics like we are today,” he said.



  1. backstabbing trump.

  2. Ryan is a rino and part of the problem. Don't listen to a word from him.

  3. Just letting Obama do anything he wants is not good leadership.

  4. Well yes mr ryno tell us whats real, tell us they all lie and are corrupt and without dignity....including you you treasonous bastard!

  5. Advice coming from the a prime establishment politician if there ever was one, I'll be sure NOT to take any advice, thank you very much. I hope this years election antics were worth it GOP, I'm officially an Independent for the remainder of my life.


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