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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Pictures: Inside Trump 2016 Rally In Berlin

More to come..........


  1. Speak out against the racist Democrats...Trump 2016 !!!!!!

  2. Joe you and I don't always agree. I saw something today that blew my mind. Walked in at 4p.m. and cut the t.v. WBOC had news cast showing Trump Rally. They actually stated that all the people on the Northbound side of 50 were Trump protesters and more where pouring. This would have been about 5-1 ratio over supporters. I looked at my wife and told her I just came through there and I saw maybe 15 protester. All looked to be mouth breather libtards. I was absolutely by what Steve Hammond stated. I called the station in anger and used some choice language. At the very end of the telecast Hammond come on kinda laughing and stated there were twenty protesters. I swear I will never watch another news cast from WBOC as long as I live. Fu**** up from the ground up they are.

  3. We left about an hour ago, the line is unbelievable. No way we were going to get near the place, let alone inside. Apparently they couldn't have it outside due to security concerns. There weren't even speakers so we could hear the speech outside, so no point in sticking around.

  4. It's a shame that they would hand out that many tickets and only let a few thousand in. That in my mind is plain ignorance. People have traveled many miles to get in, only to be rejected. Shame on them.

  5. 556, WBOC is worthless. They're a complete joke. You'd be better off watching Megyn Kelly. And that's saying a lot for how piss poor WBOC is if Megyn Kelly is better.

  6. 612 What's really ashame is SU didn't invite Trump to speak at the new stadium that ALL taxpayers paid for. Usually Dr. Dudley-Eschbach sucks up to the rich but her politics got in the way of a historic moment. Shameful. I'll never donate another dime to SU. Ever. You can bet on that one.

  7. Trump and his team did not want to be in Salisbury. Too many protesters and difficult to get in and out.


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