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Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Peace out, fools! Obama plays the clown by flashing the peace sign for nuclear security summit 'team photo'

Surrounded by world leaders, President Barack Obama gave the peace sign as they gathered for a 'team photo' during a two-day nuclear summit.

All eyes were on Obama as 54 other presidents and prime ministers joined him in Washington, DC, for crunch talks on Iran and terrorist threats involving nuclear weapons.

There was one set of eyes, however, that was particularly focused on the President - those of Prime Minister David Cameron.

Relations between Cameron and Obama have been strained since the President criticized the Prime Minister for getting 'distracted' during the crisis in Libya and turning it into a 's**t show'.

There was more than metaphorical distance between the pair at today's summit, with Cameron only able to glare at Obama from across the podium as he was elbowed out to the edge of the stage.



  1. He's never acted presidential because he's a fraud.

  2. Maybe he should stop smoking before going to these events.

  3. The level of moronic behavior seems to have no boundary. This man is a class A clown. And to think we could have Trump or Hillary next is simply overwhelming. Carter is going to be 2 spots from worst after the next election. At least one person benefits from all this nonsense.

  4. That was his gang sign for "Muslims First" gang that he leads.

  5. I'm not sure he's giving the peace sign , it looks as if it may be a muslim sign of winning.

  6. What a total embarrassment he is to the Country...

  7. In the photo you can see he is speaking, he is sayin, "Praise Allah".

  8. That and all those War is Not the Answer yard signs will really scare the crap of them - NOT!


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