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Thursday, April 28, 2016

Obama's Radical Sex Ed Agenda

Barack Obama wants to turn your child's elementary school into a "choose your own gender adventure" experience. In fact, it's a top priority for his Department of Education. As the Daily Caller reports:

A top Obama appointee in the Department of Education personally assured a group of LGBT activists that the White House is “aggressively engaged” in the fight to allow transgender students use whichever bathroom they please at school.

DOE Assistant Secretary for the Office of Civil Rights Catherine Lhamon delivered the good news at an LGBT summit hosted by the White House in Michigan last Thursday, where she gave the keynote address.

The event was co-sponsored by activist group Equality Michigan, which has led a statewide charge to allow schoolchildren choose their name, gender and bathroom, all without parental knowledge or input. Officials from seven different federal agencies attended the event, according to the Equality Michigan website.

Equality Michigan executive director Steph White blasted out a giddy email to supporters after the event, which she called “a great catalyst that will propel our collective work forward.” The email included an excerpt from Lhamon’s remarks, which White called “refreshingly clear.”

Speaking about the Obama administration, Lhamon told attendees: “We are serious. We are aggressively engaged. We will enforce Title IX.” The Daily Caller has filed a FOIA request with the Department of Education for Lhamon’s full remarks.

Under Lhamon’s guidance, the DOE’s Office of Civil Rights has ruled that schools will be in violation of Title IX if they do not permit transgender students to use the bathroom and locker rooms of their choice. The administration has made clear that giving private, single-user bathrooms is not a sufficient accommodation. That is: schools must allow boys who think they’re girls to shower and change alongside actual girls.

This isn't just radical, it's dangerous. The notion that a child is capable of choosing his or her gender is an extreme extension of the absurd notion that gender is a state of mind, and not a biological, scientific reality. It is the radical accommodation of the mentally ill to perpetuate bankrupt, politically correct, and socially destructive social science. Just a few years ago, parents were worried about the hypersexualization of their children. Now, they have to worry about the sexual manipulation of their children. The notion that an unqualified public school teacher will be able to make the call on, say, a tomboyish young girl, and suggest that she might "identify" as a male could set that child on an irreversible path to destruction. But because it fits the Obama Administration's ultra liberal agenda, it could now become a permanent feature of our education system.

Source: AAN

1 comment:

  1. It's time to do away with the federal Dept. of Edu. Schools should be run locally, period.


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