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Thursday, April 28, 2016

Law Enforcement Motivation


  1. But the Dog is loyal to the sheep, whereas the officer will turn on the sheep at any given chance and is loyal only to his master and himself.

  2. 1241 do you carry a gun for work?! Didn't think so.

  3. 1241 cluelss as usual

  4. I do. 2:04, you failed to make your point.

  5. Wow, they will never be enough for what they deal with.

  6. Seems to justify the war on the public mounted by the police. I would put this on the same level as the Sarah McLachlan showing scared puppies while "in the arms of an angel" play in the background.
    The incidents against police that you see here are rare, but have always been part of the job. They become more frequent as government policy pushes police into more and more confrontational encounters with the public. They become more and more frequent as other government policies kill our economy and force desperate people into "criminal" activities. They become more frequent as the police become heavily militarized.
    The police need to be paid more so that we can attract highly qualified individuals who will not only respect the rights and the lives of citizens, but also have the courage to speak out when their bosses are the ones out of line.
    All it would take is the FOP coming out in defense of civil liberties to make the first step in better relations.
    Defending another cop for pepper spraying a handcuffed suspect or kicking a citizen in the face while he is lying on the ground complying with officers orders only heightens the mistrust.

  7. Thank you 6:37 for putting into words the truth. I know why police have lost the respect they once had. There is most likely more wrong done to innocent people by the police than wrong done by criminals done to police.


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