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Sunday, April 03, 2016

It's A Shame, But It's True.


  1. What's good for the goose is good for the gander....!!!!!

  2. I never watch anything on BET....such a racist network!! I'm with you!

  3. How do I boycott something I do not watch?

  4. Done, I won't be watching.

  5. It's name is offensive, but do you see the wingnuts protesting this one? Of course not. They are one in the same.

    We working white, black, irish and hispanic working class don't bother with their drivel in the first place.

    They just pander to the welfare crowd to keep them entertained during the day since they're not working. That is worth voting against.

  6. Proves to me that they want separate but equal back.

  7. These memes are just little jokes being passed around, but no serious well known white person is going to make that stand. NONE. Bunch of Pansies!

  8. I won't watch it since they took "In Living Color" off last year.

  9. I would, but I am too busy working to pay for my cell phone, cable, internet, kids lunch.

  10. I bet that obnoxious black female from Regal Cinemas Saturday Night's 7:30 pm Superman vs Batman movie will. I've never been to a movie where someone was so rude and inconsiderate. The manager had to come and set her straight. An embarrassment to her race.

  11. 9:22 that is how most of them act, they think they're entitled to do as they please now. Not one time has any government official stood up to them and said, no.

  12. Funny every race at one time or another were enslaved. All have prospered and moved forward but one. All one has to do is take a hard look at Africa and it all comes crystal clear. Some of those bastards still live in grass huts lol. Enough said.

  13. Only Black lives matter no surprise here. But did it get covered for weeks and make all headlines, and boycotts no.


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