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Tuesday, April 05, 2016

It was all a lie!

Patriots did not ruin this refuge. Goverment did.

Most of us know this. But with all the fake news running around I thought we should prove it. So I made this video to show the proof. See it for yourself and get the word out. Make people hear the real story.

Watch the video.


  1. It's time to make America great again. Overthrow , maybe !

  2. Nice rhetoric. No action plan, however.

  3. Several years ago I attended a tea party rally in a small park (maybe Lafayette Square) across from the White House. It happen to be raining lightly. The first thing that I noticed was that the "protestors" didn't want to walk on the grass for fear of damaging it. Contrast these action to the African American protestors who burn down buildings and lute businesses. My take away from the whole experience was mid-age white men make terrible protestors!

    When LaVoy Finicum was shot and killed I think he was simply expressing a deep ceded belief "Live free or die". But individuals with strong beliefs like that are few and far between in modern day America!


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