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Thursday, April 28, 2016

Have John & Ted Outstayed their Welcome?

By Thornton Crowe

I don't know about you, but I am getting wary as this primary continues on and one, seemingly without end.

This morning, in one of my rare moments of watching Fox News these days, an interview with Peter Johnson, Jr., Legal Analyst for FNC, caught my eye. What he had to say made perfect sense, so I thought I would share it with you all.

The problem is that both Cruz and Kasich are mathematically eliminated. For example, Trump has over 10 Million Votes. Cruz has just a tad over 6 Million votes and Kasich has under 3. With a 4 Million vote lead, Trump has already gained an advantage with his 78% to the 1237. If Cruz and Kasich combined, they still would not meet Trump's 956 delegates. There are not enough states left for either of them to gain enough delegates.  Putting their own egos ahead of the country not only demonstrates their illogical persistence but also proves the reality that neither would make good presidents.

So why do they stay? Here's the link located on Fox News.


  1. Yes, I'm embarrassed to say they both have. I'm embarrassed because I actually trusted the GOP to do what is right. Boy was I wrong. I'll never trust politicians again for the remainder of my life. What the GOP is doing to itself and those who support it, is disgusting. No one likes to lose. I understand that. But what ever happened to sportsmanship? You know, learning from your loss and being a good sport about it. I am deeply disappointed by both Cruz and Kasich. Their demeanor is simply wrong in my opinion. They have officially lost, it's evident. No get behind a candidate and support them. The goal is to defeat Hillary, not ruin the Republican party and destroy its supporters. I say its time now to disband the Republican party from top to bottom, and create a new party for the people by the people !!!

  2. They remain only to confound the vote in Hillary's favor.

  3. Why isn't there a law to automatically eject candidates as soon as they are numerically eliminated?

    1. Excellent suggestion 4:40pm. And it could be done. It wouldn't be a law per say but it could be a rule. This would prevent the nonsense going on right now with Cruz and Kasich hanging on. In my opinion, Bernie doesn't really fit in this category because he's not mathematically eliminated by voters but by a corrupt super delegate system that not only cheats him but disenfranchises voters, too.

  4. You're right Thornton, the man makes perfect sense. Thanks for the share.

    1. 6:16pm you are most certainly welcome. I only wished others would view it because it says a lot for this political election process in general. We need to educate ourselves. The two parties make the primary process convoluted in order to confuse and subvert the voters' rights and importance in said process. It's a travesty to our Republic and should be eradicated for future elections. Many of the antiquated systems are in dire need of revamping to restore power back to the people.


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