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Saturday, April 09, 2016

Giving people free money could be the only solution when robots finally take our jobs

For centuries, the way people make money has stayed mostly the same: People earn a living based on the skills they bring to society. Doctors make more than plumbers because open-heart surgery saves more lives than fixing leaky toilets. Star athletes make more than teachers because entertainment is more lucrative than education.

But the recent evidence is overwhelming: Automated robots are replacing workers faster than our economy can handle. Some evidence even suggests that today's technology could feasibly replace 45% of jobs right now.

The consequence may ultimately be that people will no longer be able to make money based on their usefulness in society — because they won't be useful anymore. There has to be another system of income distribution, and the one that seems most poised to ease the burden is universal basic income.



  1. The welfare programs give the lazy free money now!

  2. It is worse than this report is saying. Off the shelf robots are doing far more than this report states. Carpet cleaning systems we can already buy. They have the ability to make ones that will do far more. Lawn care will be done by robots and soon.

    It really is very possible that within 20 years humans will only be needed for clergy work and other such personal work. Even there though robots will take over.


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