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Wednesday, April 06, 2016

FUKUSHIMA UPDATE | Fukushima 5 Years Later: “The Fuel Rods Melted Through Containment And Nobody Knows Where They Are Now”

Japan marks the fifth anniversary of the tragic and catastrophic meltdown of the Fukushima nuclear plant. On March 11, 2011, a massive earthquake and tsunami hit the northeast coast of Japan, killing 20,000 people. Another 160,000 then fled the radiation in Fukushima. It was the world’s worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl, and according to some it would be far worse, if the Japanese government did not cover up the true severity of the devastation.

At least 100,000 people from the region have not yet returned to their homes. A full cleanup of the site is expected to take at least 40 years. Representative of the families of the victims spoke during Friday’s memorial ceremony in Tokyo. This is what Kuniyuki Sakuma, a former resident of Fukushima Province said:

For those who remain, we are seized with anxieties and uncertainties that are beyond words. We spend life away from our homes. Families are divided and scattered. As our experiences continue into another year, we wonder: ‘When will we be able to return to our homes? Will a day come when our families are united again?’

There are many problems in areas affected by the disaster, such as high radiation levels in parts of Fukushima Prefecture that need to be overcome. Even so, as a representative of the families that survived the disaster, I make a vow once more to the souls and spirits of the victims of the great disaster; I vow that we will make the utmost efforts to continue to promote the recovery and reconstruction of our hometowns.



  1. Joe,
    Thank you for posting this article.
    Many of us know that Fukushima is a life ending event in slow motion.

  2. Well, it is all in the bible... The bible says, the waters will become toxic and even if you wash with it, it will burn your skin off...

    Then, the blow out of the gold mine her in the US, which was on purpose to make the Indians leave their reservations along the Mississippi, because the govt wants to control all waterways... That just adds to the toxic waters the bible speaks of... Once something happens to California, the west coast will not have any drinking water either... So that leaves the great lakes left, but the govt is sucking that up to bottle and sell to you... Just like how the residence of CA had to lower their water usage but the state can still sell Walmart millions of gallons of that same water to put on their shelves to make money... Penney's to the dollar they buy it for, all while the CA residents have to use less water...

  3. Here's a hint: look down... way down.

  4. Yall better start living right

  5. Who's to say, bottle water is safe.

  6. Nuclear radiation has a half life of thousands of years. Those people will never go back and live in a safe environment. It is now like Chernobyl, never again to be safely inhabited by humans.


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