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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Flip Flopping Dem Senator Spouts Foolishness About Guns

Once upon a time, Kirsten Gillibrand was considered a "Blue Dog" Democrat. For those of you new to the game, that's liberal speak for a liberal that pretended to care about gun rights so that she could get elected in a moderate conservative region of the country. In Gillibrand's case, it was upstate New York, where as a member of Congress, Gillibrand once received a 100 percent rating from the National Rifle Association. Now that Gillibrand is firmly esconced in the Senate, she's changing her tune. In an interview on a liberal radio program, she offered an argument for gun control so rife with irrelevant sentimentality that it reminded us of this:

Here's what Gillibrand said on the Glenn Thrush show, per Mediaite:

Sen. Kristen Gillibrand (D-NY) told Politico’s Glenn Thrush that the debate over gun control should be reframed as a “women’s issue” and that “nothing in this debate has to do with the Second Amendment rights.”

“This debate is relegated to the men. It’s about hunting? It has nothing to do with hunting,” she said on Thrush’s Off Message podcast released Monday. “Nothing in this debate has to do with hunting, and nothing in this debate has to do with the Second Amendment rights. Nothing. … I think — I see the world in the lens of women’s issues. I’m making everything a woman’s issue. I want guns to be a woman’s issue.”

Gillibrand is supporting Hillary Clinton, who has been hitting Bernie Sanders for his record on guns. Sanders, she said, “doesn’t have the sensitivity he needs to the horror that is happening in these families. I just don’t think he’s fully getting how horrible it is for these families [affected by gun violence.]”

Interestingly enough, Gillibrand, had a different take on guns and families back in 2009. Here's Gillibrand talking about why guns are an important tool for moms:

In 2009, she said she kept two guns under her bed, according to a Newsday headline from that year. “If I want to protect my family, if I want to have a weapon in the home, that should be my right,” she said in the February 2009 story. Later that year, however, she authored a measure that would facilitate crackdowns on illegal guns.

We have a great amount of sympathy for those who are victims of horrendous acts of violence. But we have a constitution for a reason; to ensure that our government, and our God given rights, are not hijacked in a fit of passion by emotional mobs. Apparently that's inconvenient for Senator Gillibrand, who believes that, despite a constitutionally guaranteed right to bear arms, and a demonstrated decline in gun violence the emotional state of women in the wake of a tragedy should be the key factor in how we choose to govern.

Source: AAN

1 comment:

  1. Remember it's democrats behind the law letting men in the women's bathrooms.


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