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Wednesday, April 06, 2016

Exposed: UN Implicitly Honors Murderers of Israelis

A Palestinian Non-Governmental Organization, funded by UN bodies and foreign governments held a tree planting ceremony last Friday for "Land Day," in which it honored 209 "martyrs of the intifada" in a mass celebration of the recent terror wave.

The event held by the NGO, Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC), was exposed by Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) on Monday. PMW noted that among the "martyrs" were numerous terrorists who murdered or tried to murder Israelis since last September, in a terror surge that has left 34 dead and over 400 wounded.

PMW further revealed that UAWC is funded by UNRWA and UNDP, both UN bodies, as well as the governments of Australia, Spain, Netherlands and Japan in addition to numerous European NGOs, as recorded in UAWC's website.

"Their funding of the UAWC implicates all these institutions and organizations in the act of honoring murderers of Israelis," explained PMW, noting that it has recently exposed similar cases of UN funded groups honoring terrorists.



  1. The US must stop funding the UN and allow it to "wither on the vine".

    It no longer serves a purpose as it has become anti-US and pro-Muslim.

  2. 1:03
    You don't know about what you write.
    The UN was created for and by Israel and its ally, the U.S.

    It is the vehicle for Israel to "rule over all the people of the earth".

  3. 2:37
    You refer to the Rothschild Family's goal of installing Israel as the Messiah of the Jewish People. They are the richest family on earth. They provided all of the money necessary to develop Israel and the family built the Keneset Building.

    They already rule over all the people!


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