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Friday, April 22, 2016

Ex-Intelligence Officer: Mexican Tunnel Troubling for Terrorism

The discovery of the longest cross-border tunnel ever found by law enforcement along the California and Mexico border should raise red flags about terrorists being able to sneak into the United States, Col. Derek Harvey tells Newsmax TV.

In an interview Thursday with "Newsmax Prime" host J.D. Hayworth, the former intelligence officer and former adviser to Gen. David Petreaus said "clearly there are" national security implications in the massive tunnel — and in new relationships between terrorists and drug cartels.

"What I'm concerned about is the transactional relationships that are developing between terrorist groups and these narco groups in Mexico and Colombia and Latin America in general," he said.

And border security is suffering because of lack of resources and leadership, he charged.

More here


  1. pres Osama says all is ok

  2. Luckily, there are no terrorists (other than our own government).

    The tunnel allowed for a lot of competiton for the CIA's drug sales business. Too bad.

  3. Has anyone ever wandered about why the terrorists are so bad at their jobs? They truly suck.

    If I were a terrorist (I am not) I can think of all kinds of cheap, easy to execute operations that would literally scare the hell out of people.

    Am I super intelligent, or are the terrorists bad at their jobs?

    Think about it for a minute.

  4. Gas it & leave it open.

  5. Fake alarm.
    Our "leaders" know damn well that there are terrorists crossing BOTH borders.
    The terrorists have said so themselves.
    But since our "leaders", while condemning the absolute horror of Americans possessing any weapons, surround themselves with a small army of highly armed (and very dangerous) killers and have no chance of encountering a suicide bomber or mass killer, it's perfectly okay with them if YOU or your kids are blown into pieces.
    Some people are going to HAVE to be slaughtered to show the world just how inclusive, diverse, loving, and kind we are.....and as long as it's "we, the people" making that selfless sacrifice, they are more than happy to allow it.
    Keep cheering.


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