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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Dershowitz: Obama a Hypocrite, Should Apologize to Netanyahu

President Barack Obama has shown blatant hypocrisy when it comes to Israel, renowned Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz noted in a scathing op-ed Tuesday - with double standards on giving and receiving criticism from other nations.

Obama sparked uproar when criticizing and issuing veiled threats over Britain's possible exit from the European Union (EU) this week during a visit to the United Kingdom.

Obama defended his remarks by saying that democratic nations should be free to speak their minds openly - yet Obama himself attacked Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu for rejecting the Iran deal during his visit to the US, and indeed snubbed Netanyahu during that visit, in March 2015.

"Recall how outraged the same President Obama was when the prime minister of a friendly country, Benjamin Netanyahu, spoke his mind about the Iran Deal," Dershowitz noted, on a Fox News op-ed.

"So what is it, Mr. President? Should friends speak their minds about controversial issues when visiting another country, or should they keep their views to themselves? Or is your answer that friends should speak their minds only when they agree with other friends, but not when they disagree?"

More here


  1. Joe here is a question you should ask your viewers tomorrow. ....

    Should Bernie Sanders pay the campaign staff he is letting go $15 a hr for life out of his SOCIALIST BANK ACCOUNT?

  2. Blacks for the most part ...do not accept responsibility nor say they are sorry...Obama will not say he is wrong!!!

  3. I think it is more based on his religious beliefs. You know Muslims don't like Israel or anything to do with them. They want to wipe Israel off the face of the map. O is trying to help them in their mission. And anything he can do against us seems to be his plan.

  4. muslims hate jews PERIOD and muslims hate America PERIOD

  5. don't bother pres Osama right now, hes getting ready to hit a 3 wood on the 14th hole at congressional country club. shhhhh


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