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Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Cutting Sugar’s Umbilical Cord

Once upon a time, sugar was mostly relegated to desserts. But now, excessive amounts can be found in our everyday foods and beverages, and it’s taking a toll, according to recently published studies.

 The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center exposed high-sugar diets as major risks for cancer, especially breast cancer. 
 The Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience journal indicates that sugar may cause not only diabetes and obesity, but also brain defects similar to those triggered by stress or abuse.
 Sugar accounts for much of our country’s weight gain and the rise of fatty liver disease.
“We already knew it was very bad for us, but alarming new evidence just keeps pouring in,” says nutritionist and juicing pioneer Cherie Calbom, MS, who is known as “The Juice Lady.”
“Despite the case against excessive sugar intake, we know its prevalent use remains in things like ketchup, yogurt, canned soup, salad dressing, tomato sauce, bread, granola bars – not to mention soda or dessert-style coffee beverages.”
That’s why Calbom suggests taking full control of the sugar in your diet by making your own meals, snacks and drinks. Her most recent book, “The Juice Lady’s Sugar Knockout” (www.juiceladycherie.com), offers recipes for overcoming sugar.
Samples of her “Sugar Knockout” recipes include:
Curb your carb craving with a Jerusalem artichoke-based juice cocktail. Here’s a traditional remedy:
 3-4 carrots
 2 celery ribs
 1 Jerusalem artichoke
 1 cucumber, peeled if not organic
 1 lemon, peeled if not organic
 ½ green apple
Wash produce first and, once juiced, drink as soon as possible.
Longing for dessert-time? Try a delicious alternative to traditional Chocolate Mousse.
 1 medium avocado, ripe
 2 Tbsp. unsweetened cocoa powder
 2 Tbsp. coconut nectar or ¼ tsp. stevia
 6 Tbsp. almond milk
 Optional: pistachios, strawberries, raspberries or goji berries
Put large chunks of avocado flesh in the blender. Add the cocoa, sweetener and almond milk. Blend, starting on low and then moving to high speed until smooth. If the avocado is larger, you will need a bit more of each ingredient. If it is too thick, drizzle in a bit more almond milk. Add more cocoa or sweetener to taste. Refrigerate the mousse and serve cold. Top with nuts or berries.
“These recipes let you know that, once you decide to live without sugar, it’s deliciously possible,” Calbom says.
About Cherie Calbom, MSN (a.k.a. The Juice Lady)
Cherie Calbom holds a Master of Science degree in whole foods nutrition from Bastyr University. Known as “The Juice Lady” (www.juiceladycherie.com) for her work with juicing and health, she is author of 31 books, with millions of copies sold worldwide. No stranger to healthy diet trends, Cherie joined George Foreman as nutritional spokesperson in the Knockout the Fat phenomena that forever changed grilling in America.


  1. That's got to cost $5 a glass! I'll have a glass of water, please, and from the tap, not a $2 bottle!

  2. One other significant factoid about sugar: it depresses your immune system. So sugar junkies are much more prone to viruses and infections.

  3. Only sissies have to have food that always tastes good.Throw the sugar out of your house & cook everything the same way you always did but minus the sugar.Drink black coffee only and switch completely to sea salt (which your family won't even notice unless you tell them).There are healthy sugar alternatives that will make the transition smooth.Don't change a thing and don't run out and buy special cook books or go on line for alternative dishes.Just do everything exactly as you did before but with sugar substitutes and sea salt.PS;don't tell a soul that you have changed anything if they don't ask.


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