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Thursday, April 28, 2016

Cruz Doubles Down on Challenge To Trump

Ted Cruz suffered a significant loss to Donald Trump last night, going down in five different states. But the Texas Senator has a slew of favorable primary contests ahead of him, and he's decided that backing down is out of the question. Today, he issued another challenge to GOP frontrunner Donald Trump:

Ted Cruz on Wednesday demanded a debate with Donald Trump and accused the Republican presidential front-runner of trying to avoid campaigning in Indiana by dropping into The Hoosier State "like Mick Jagger."

The demand came hours after Cruz was crushed by Trump in five primary states — mathematically ending his chances of winning the GOP nomination outright — and faced the daunting task of trying to stop the billionaire developer from sweeping next Tuesday’s Indiana primary.

"I believe the people of Indiana deserve a debate. I accepted two debate invitations in Indiana to give Hoosiers the chance to compare and make this choice. I think that is a simple act of respect to the voters," Cruz said at a press conference in Indianapolis.
The Texas senator said he plans to make a "major announcement" at 4 p.m. Wednesday, in which he is expected to name his vice presidential running mate.

As we mentioned yesterday, there's little reason for Trump to debate. Yet Cruz is likely to continue his calls all the way up until the Indiana primary. Will Trump answer Cruz's call for debate, or will he continue to ignore him and urge him to drop out? What do you think?



  1. Oh please, we have had enough debates. What hasn't been said by now?

  2. Cruz, you're done. Good bye.

  3. California will slap Cruz back to obscurity. Trump will walk away with California the same way he did Maryland.
    The man even won Montgomery Co.

  4. Agreed 5:31-I started noticing the same topics being discussed over and over.

  5. Cruz is a sore loser. I too agree we've had more than enough debates. The next debate will be between Trump and lying Hillary.


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