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Thursday, April 28, 2016

Cal Ripken Jr., wife Kelly Ripken have divorced

Orioles Iron Man and Hall of Famer Cal Ripken Jr. and Kelly Ripken finalized their divorce this morning in the Baltimore County Circuit Court.

A statement released by Kelly Ripken's lawyer, Sanford Ain, said:

"Kelly has been a great mother to two fabulous children and a wonderful, faithful wife for the duration of the parties' relationship, which lasted more than 30 years. This is a difficult time for her and she asks that her privacy and the privacy of her children be respected. Kelly looks forward to the next chapter in her life, which will be focused on philanthropy and her commitment to promoting women's health, most currently through A Woman's Journey at Johns Hopkins Medicine."

Ain said that the pleadings are sealed.

“Everything is private, so we’re not saying anything about the cause,” Ain said.

Ain also said that the divorce process has been going on for “quite some time” and that there was a one-year separation. The couple, who were married for 29 years, have two children.



  1. Those Ripkin kids do not like to be married..

  2. wonder who wandered first

  3. Let me guess. He destroyed his family because he couldn't control himself.

  4. I don't think Cal could forget Kevin Costner.

  5. Anyone in the know like me will tell you that Kelly cheated first. She has been sleeping with Cal's good buddy and actor Kevin Costner.

    The moral of the story is never let another man spend time with your wife or girlfriend when you are away. All women have it in their DNA to cheat when exposed to the opposite sex and many times the same sex.

  6. She is so gosh darn hot! I've always crushed on her. Now I got hope for something good in America besides Trump! A guy can dream right?


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