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Friday, April 22, 2016

Barack Obama's Stealth Plan to Steal Guns From Seniors

The right to bear arms is fundamental, for both protection from tyranny and from those who would do us harm. Barack Obama and his Democratic friends in Congress hate this, and they're doing everything they can to take guns from even the most vulnerable Americans. Rand Paul won't stand for that. As Breitbart reports:

Senator Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has introduced legislation to stop President Barack Obama from imposing a stealthy gun ban on an estimated 75,000 Social Security beneficiaries. Breitbart News previously reported last July that Obama’s gun ban would hit Social Security beneficiaries who are labeled as having “mental health” issues. That category is so broad that it includes people who need help to handle personal finances.

Obama added this gun ban into the executive gun controls he announced in January.

The White House explained that the Social Security Administration would execute the ban by reporting beneficiaries with a “mental health issue” to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). This, in turn, would bar them from purchasing a gun.

This is an absolute travesty. As government becomes more technologically complex and bureaucracy becomes even more layered, more and more American seniors may fall into this broad category. It goes without saying that seniors are also an incredibly vulnerable group uniquely susceptible to those who wish to do them harm. An unarmed senior is a choice target for a lowlife criminal. In such a scenario, a gun is a great equalizer, and the difference between life and death. We're glad Senator Paul is standing up for those who President Obama would leave defenseless.



  1. The second amendment gives us the right to keep and bear arms. No "if" attached. While I would like to see guns kept out of the hands of psychos, I am not sure that is remotely possible. Just like criminals, if they really want a gun, they will find a way to get one.

  2. I can't recall where I left my car keys yesterday. Are you coming for my guns?

  3. The paranoia is amazing.

    Since Obama has been President, exactly how many federal gun rights have been lost?

    (Answer: None. States rights are not under his authority.)

  4. @10:53 Great point! It'd easy to rally people behind crazy allegations when theyre unwilling to do the research on their own. In my opinion we should really be focusing on taking away their CAR KEYS. Have narrowly avoided quite a few accidents that can only be attributed to diminishing sight and hearing. I kid, I kid. A little.

  5. Your absolutely right 1:46. It is time to put an age limit on drivers license or make them retest.

  6. Sure would be nice if someone shot this Muslim and blew his brains out all over the back of the limousine and on the road. He deserves the JFK treatment.

  7. Bob - you are one sick individual

  8. Bob worded that very carefully....it's a shame because I'd feel better with him in the custody of the secret service.

  9. Bob just made the Secret Service list, the Homeland Security list, The FBI's list, and the Treasury Department's list. Along with his State police. The NSA and CIA just started a 24-7 mail cover and wiretap on him, too.
    The IRS will (coincidentally, of course) audit the last 5 years of his filings and someone will tell his employer that he supports ISIS.
    Bob was only reiterating "the Tree of Liberty needs to be watered with the blood of tyrants....".
    Put his statement on Facebook, and before they take it down for insulting their hero, it would get about 80 million "likes".
    Which they would report as "8".


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