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Thursday, April 14, 2016

Arrests made as hundreds of elderly Americans protest at 2nd ‘Democracy Spring’ sit-in

Hundreds of Americans, many of whom are elderly, marched in support of political reform in Washington, DC, taking part in a sit-in and risking arrest as they pushed for fairer elections. RT's 'Redacted Tonight' host Lee Camp was one of those detained.

Already, multiple arrests have been made, according to reports from those on the ground near the demonstrations.

According to RT's correspondents, police have started releasing some of the protesters.

The sit-in comes one day after more than 400 people were arrested for participating in what has been been termed the 'Democracy Spring' movement. The organization has planned for 10 days of demonstrations and mass sit-ins at the US capitol, with day two highlighting efforts from older Americans who want to see change.



  1. Funny how local or national news didn't bother to say anything about this atrocious behavior. Let me get this straight. Old people doing a peaceful sit in Democracy Spring, but BLMers and other paid Soros staged protestors can riot in the streets of cities like Chicago and Baltimore, tearing up everything in sight and blocking ambulances can go unfettered?

    Wake up people, this is about to get serious. If BLMers aren't getting arrested but old folks are - this is a travesty. It's worse.

  2. Was on Al Jazeera TV. Just saying.

  3. If my 80 year old parents were arrested for a peaceful protest I'd be suing the District of Columbia so fast and for such an insane amount of money, they'd never give a senior so much as a jaywalking ticket ever again. SCLM. SENIOR CITIZENS LIVES MATTER!

  4. I'm standing with 10:03.
    Thousands of BLM welfare queens, felons, and agitators BLOCK FREEWAY TRAFFIC (!!), shut down businesses, burn buildings, rob passersby, assault police and citizens and disturb the peace. They get "room to express their feelings".
    70 year old men and women (mostly white) get arrested by the hundreds, jailed overnight, and fined for sitting PEACEFULLY???
    There is no more "rule of law" in this country.
    There is no more "blind justice", either.
    Maybe those old white people should have thrown some rocks and started some building fires.
    Keep cheering.

  5. Good. It's these idiots who let the country get this far gone. Now they can see how much over zealous and petty police are allowed to go. Worst thing is they taught their kids that it's OK as well. Damage is done. Hope they're happy.


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