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Sunday, April 03, 2016

Another Salisbury WATERFRONT Parking Lot Sold For Mixed Use

Here we go again. More Downtown mixed use apartments will fill yet another Riverfront property. In other words, AFFORDABLE HOUSING. 
You remember River's Edge, right? You know, the place Jim Ireton said he ain't letting Tawanda and her five kids live in no riverfront property, and then it happened!

This parking lot is in the "Arts District" too. I wonder if you'll get reduced rent if you are an artist?



  1. Section 8 waterfront housing which will lead to more section 8 housing in Salisbury resulting in higher taxes and more crime.

  2. Yeah it will be a bunch of artists just like the ones at Rivers Edge.

  3. I'm no fan of Ireton, and probably not Jake Day either based on his associations. I just haven't seen him enough to have an informed opinion of him. But Ireton is definitely a buffoon.

    So, putting politics and personalities aside, as a lifelong resident of Salisbury for over 50 years, I have to admit the downtown area is much improved in the last several years.

    I'll leave it to others to argue whether somebody is getting a sweetheart deal on a piece of property. All I know is, what was once an area of neglect, is now looking better due to the construction improvements, new buildings, new riverwalk, etc.

  4. Look what happened to crisfield with waterfront affordable thug housing.

  5. Nice to see that Jake Day is supporting the local community with a new slum area. Just warms my heart to see our taxes being wasted on this balderdash.

  6. These waterfront housing projects are the death of downtown Salisbury and these ignorant elected Libtards are to stupid to see what is happening.

    What a bunch of idiots Jake Day, Jim Ireton and Jack Heath are. Manure Boata just goes with the flow.

    Quit electing these Liberal hose bags. Anyone that has a D or and I and even an L beside their name is not worth electing. D's are dumb and I's and L's are confused. I know we have some RINO's but I will take them before the other parties.

  7. TAXPAYERS paying for THUG waterfront appeasement housing,

  8. Building two projects next to their spiffy new center plans? Can you say define irony? Whose urban planning suggested this brilliant move?

  9. ***Parking Lots**** big money low maintenance.....Gillis clan will own them all....chan,ching...cha,ching

  10. When will People rise up ALREADY.

  11. Because Salisbury's waterfront has been used to the city's advantage thus far. Because River's Edge is full of criminals and the complex is running amok with dope dealers and people with tons of children. Because fine folks like yourselves have other options/plans/suggestions for the waterfront? Oh.......you don't. Just more bitching and moaning because it's what you do best. Here's a thought, raise some money and start buying waterfront property up and save it from the millions of thugs in the huge city of Salisbury. And ya'll wonder why people with your mind set don't get elected into office. Your nonsense sounds good on a blog, it doesn't interpret well into real life.

    1. Ya"ll typical Obama liberal is your nickname the queen of handouts or is your name Laura MitcHELL.

  12. This is STEALING from tax payers just so Rich realtors can make $$$$$$ and SHAME on the CITY COUNCIL for allowing it.

  13. Expected anything to change ? Why the GOB are still running the show, stealing from taxpayers and causing tax increases.

  14. "Artist" is just the PC way of saying that you are unemployed. Probably don't intend on finding or looking for a job that pays.

  15. Sell it all, only way people are coming downtown.


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