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Monday, April 25, 2016

American Family Association Sees Quarter-Million-Person Response to Boycott Target

Director of Government Affairs for the American Family Association (AFA), Sandy Rios, joined Breitbart News Saturday host Matt Boyle to discuss the problem with Target’s recent decision regarding its store’s public restrooms.

Rios said, “The Target department store chain has jumped into the transgender bathroom debate by declaring that men who claim to be women may use whatever bathroom or changing room they choose.”

According to Rios:

The problem with Target’s policy is that they are now opening their bathrooms, really welcoming and inviting people of all sexual persuasions to go into bathrooms, and I have in my hand probably a dozen articles of cases where men who were dressed as women abused or raped or molested women or children in bathrooms.

She went on to say that within 24 hours, the American Family Association heard “from close to 250,000 people already” in support of an effort to boycott Target:

"The American Family Association is calling for a boycott of Target after the retail giant said it would allow men to use the women’s restrooms and dressing rooms in their stores."

More here


  1. "and I have in my hand probably a dozen articles of cases where men who were dressed as women abused or raped or molested women or children in bathrooms"

    Really? Better publish them because no one else can find any actual cases.

  2. Here you go Drew. Enjoy!


  3. Its a shame that more aren't outraged by the garbage going on in the establishment political arena. Depending on whose elected, we may not have a Constitution anymore. We may just be merged with Mexico and Canada and under UN oversight. But what's that compared to a bathroom situation.

  4. LOL Drew you really must be simple or something. It took me literally less than 10 seconds and Google to find what you claim "no one else can find." I even put in dates such as 2008, 2012, etc and found incidences dating back then.
    Or could it be you, like every single other democrat, lies like there is no tomorrow? Oh how you people lie. It's disgusting the way the lies flow out of the mouths of democrats.

  5. Like I said I already boycott Target I also boycott anybody who advertise with the Daily Times. I invite everyone on the shore to do the same. Until the moral upstanding American Patriots stand up to this evil satanic libtard attack in this country It Won't Stop.
    The hidden dangers of the rainbow has many warriors in many fronts and they are in full attack.

  6. Drew after you finish school and get out from under daddies protection and funding. Get some real life experience before you run your little fingers on that keyboard. You sound like the typical ignorant Democrat. Libtarded is not the way to go through life.

  7. its simple - STOP going to Target, they only understand money.... 2% should not make laws for 98%

  8. Me no shoppie Target nomoe

  9. I won't shop anywhere that allows this!

  10. Your average eastern shore person who shops Target has no idea that this is even going on.


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