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Monday, April 18, 2016

ALERT: Hillary Makes Terrifying Announcement – We Can’t Let Her Be President…

Hillary Clinton is vowing to knock down all the walls that make it tough for immigrants to gain citizenship. VOW…is a strong word and that should be enough for people to do their best at keeping her OUT of the White House…

From HotAir:

While pushing for votes in New York (a phrase we haven’t seen in the news since 1976) the former Secretary of State told her adoring audience that, if elected, she would make it a priority to create a new federal agency which would knock down “all the barriers” to citizenship, particularly for all of those Americans in Waiting who are in the country illegally. (Daily Caller)

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said she would make it easier for immigrants to secure citizenship in a meeting with New York activists Wednesday, vowing to use her campaign to “knock down all the barriers.”


1 comment:

  1. Just WTF we need., another 'federal agency'.


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