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Tuesday, April 05, 2016

A Desperate Hillary's Hypocritical Plea

Last week, Hillary Clinton was absolutely creamed by Bernie Sanders, who pulled off a massive three state sweep that made him a thorn in Clinton's side once again. Her response? The Queen of Mean quipped that she would not debate Sanders again until he changed his tone. Many found this utterly ridiculous, since Sanders Campaign has been as meek as they come.

But with Bernie Sanders building a considerable lead over the Clinton clan in Wisconsin and rising in New York, the candidate has changed her mind. Now? She's demanding a debate with Sanders:

The Sanders campaign needs to stop with the games.

Over the course of the last week, we have offered three specific dates for a debate in New York, all of which the Sanders campaign rejected. We offered Monday, April 4 at 7:30 pm. We were told that the Sanders campaign rejected this date because they wanted the debate to be held after the Wisconsin primary and would make themselves available on any date between Wisconsin and New York. We then offered the night of April 14th and that was rejected by Sanders. While we preferred to do an evening debate on the 14th, we then agreed to a debate on Good Morning America on April 15, understanding that the Sanders campaign had already agreed to this forum. That, too, was rejected.

This is rich from Clinton. Aside from her refusal to commit to debating Sanders just a week ago, the candidate "coincidentally" benefitted from a series of DNC sanctioned debates that were scheduled when no one was watching.

Source: AAN


  1. This country goes to hell on a speeding train if she is elected!

  2. Typical play; "You may now approach the Royal Vagina" crap. First you're not allowed near it, then "permission" is "granted", LOL! What a pompous biotch.

  3. Tone? She complains about tone? What an evil clown!


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