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Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Why Cubans are going to love President Obama after this trip

Havana is abuzz at the sheer weight of the president of the United States arriving in Cuba.

In the hours before President Obama’s arrival, astonished Cubans told tales of planeloads of black limousines and massive Suburbans, of heavily armed security personnel, of sunglass-sporting secret service officers arriving at the airport and making their way through the city.

Cubans have anticipated the arrival of the Obama family with considerable joyfulness, but the festive mood is colored by a certain reticence, a deep-seated fear of, once again, being overwhelmed by the Colossus from the North.

The government has bargained hard with Obama’s advance team to hem him in, to limit his direct contact with the Cuban people.

There will be no large outdoor speech—rather on Tuesday morning Obama will address a hand-picked audience in the newly renovated Grand Theatre with its limited seating capacity—although the Cuban government agreed to live television coverage. The U.S. president will also meet with local entrepreneurs, but in a constricted venue, and ditto for his meeting with independent civil society and political dissidents.



  1. They love him so much, keep him, we don't want him back.

  2. Obama is no different than Castro.


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