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Sunday, March 27, 2016

Three Non Breathing Males In Salisbury

Salisbury Fire Department and EMS dispatched for 3 Non Breathing subjects. Three males in their 40's. EMS just advised central that it was 2 Priority 4's and one Priority 2 with CPR in progress. Priscilla Street. SPD responding as well. I've never heard of a priority 2 with CPR in progress.

UPDATE: Currently there is a fire truck, a ladder truck, two ambulances, a command vehicle and two police cars at the scene. 


  1. Gotta love the" Bury".

  2. Being flexible has it's advantages,especially when it comes to emergency response.

  3. Carbon monoxide?

    1. No murder they were snorting powder coke that drug dealer cut with rat poison

  4. I just rode by the place. It's the town houses across from Johnson Street near the Rt. 13 end. I have no idea why all those fire trucks from the Salisbury Fire Department were there? Was it a fire?

    1. Because they are fire/rescue. Patients might require additional resources to get them loaded. The area might need ventilation if CO is suspected....and so ojn. U people should be glad u live in an area that has such awesome resources available, instead of whining about it when theyre used.

  5. "EMS just advised central that it was 2 Priority 4's and one Priority 2 with CPR in progress."

    I heard that comment. Very embarrassing for the Salisbury Fire Department. If CPR is in progress it is a Priority 1 no ifs, ands, or buts about it!!

  6. Anonymous said...
    Carbon monoxide?

    March 22, 2016 at 8:18 AM

    I was thinking the same thing since it was cold last night. Not sure if those townhouses are fed with gas though. Unless they used Kerosene heaters which is illegal in many ways.

  7. Ok Command are you going to call Neighborhood Services and Code Compliance to condemn the place. Three males in their 40's should not be living in that apartment.

    1. How do you know they were all living there? Maybe one was somebody's brother or relative that's visiting. Jump to conclusions much?

  8. Anonymous said...
    Carbon monoxide?

    March 22, 2016 at 8:18 AM

    I was thinking CO poisoning or Heroin OD since they said 3 males in their 40's found unconscious and nonbreathing.

    Since they are dead it is a crime scene until proven otherwise!

  9. 8:22AM, please find something better to complain about.

  10. There have been multiple heroin ODs in this area lately. I know of at least 3. Prayers for their families

  11. Heroin is a terrible thing.

  12. My guess is heroin overdoses.


  13. 8:26
    "Since they are dead it is a crime scene until proven otherwise!"

    Yes, unless your name is Antonin Scalia

  14. 6 males in the house -
    2 dead -
    the priority 2 call was because he magically woke up! weird!
    Police on scene
    On in custody at PRMC

  15. Why are fire trucks there?? Unless it's a meth lab there is no need to have Two freaking fire trucks there. You need the ambulance, police and coroner. Put the fire trucks back in service

    1. How about not telling the firemen who are on the call how to do their job? Unless you are there and have the required on the job experience to make a decision on how to handle this call, you sound like the asshat you probably are.

  16. They need the firemen from the fire trucks for support lifting and moving patients, keeping the scene clear and to keep onlookers away.. They do help in many other ways other then fire...

  17. 'Currently there is a fire truck, a ladder truck, two ambulances, a command vehicle and two police cars at the scene.'

    All that for 2 dead people and one being transported to the hospital. That's at least 15 people on the scene. Just a little overkill wouldn't you say.

  18. 8:36, PRMC ER gets about 3 overdoses per night...this drug problem is getting out of control!! These drug dealers need to be tracked down!!

    1. Lewis is tracking them down in the schools! Got he needs to go.

  19. Anonymous said...
    8:22AM, please find something better to complain about.

    March 22, 2016 at 8:35 AM

    Damage Control! Are you embarrassed Moron! Well guess what? You farmin embarrass me as well and I hate paying your salaries. Nothing but a bunch of uneducated wannabe's who are nothing but parasites on the tax payers. I hate paying your salary so when you lay down to sleep during your 24 hour shift I will be thinking about you and your gravy job!!

    1. Been thinking about it. Haven't you? Wishing you made the cut! Pathetic loser!

    2. No argument in Ocean City lol

  20. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "Since they are dead it is a crime scene until proven otherwise!"

    Yes, unless your name is Antonin Scalia

    March 22, 2016 at 8:40 AM

    What an idiot, but I agree with the different scenario.

  21. Here we go....fireman justifying wasting our taxpayer money once again. The police, crime scene investigators and coroners office will be the ones responsible for the scene now. the one guy was was revived and taken out. Don't think we needed two fire trucks to take one patient to hospital. Then again that's how they justify this bullsh!t

  22. Firetrucks are needed for support personnel.
    You cant have cops directing traffic.
    Plus when call came in no one knew what it was.
    It was assumed Carbon Monoxide - not drugs
    and either way most fireman are EMT certified back up.

  23. The best thing we can do for the fire service is to change our names. We need to be called the everything men instead of firemen. Most of you do realize we rotate between the fire trucks and the ambulances. We all are dual trained in EMS and fire. To work an arrest it takes more than the two personnel on the medic. Personnel from the fire truck will get on with the medic crews to assist. Sometimes it is an extra paramedic on the engine that assists. Engine crews do more than go to fires. That is why we are more like the everything men.

  24. Anonymous said...
    Because they are fire/rescue. Patients might require additional resources to get them loaded. The area might need ventilation if CO is suspected....and so ojn. U people should be glad u live in an area that has such awesome resources available, instead of whining about it when theyre used.

    March 22, 2016 at 8:42 AM

    Fire/rescue? You have been watching to much TV. The additional resources were cancelled when they cancelled Delmar Paramedic B74 and the other Salisbury Paramedic Unit. The only resources need are Paramedics for EMS calls not fire trucks or firemen.

    "U people should be glad u live in an area that has such awesome resources available, instead of whining about it when theyre used."

    It's you not U and it is they're or they are not theyre.

    Guess what we are not glad they are used because they are costing the tax payers Millions every year when they are not needed. You obviously don't live in Salisbury and pay city taxes or you would be whining so STFU you illiterate Farmin!!

  25. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Because they are fire/rescue. Patients might require additional resources to get them loaded. The area might need ventilation if CO is suspected....and so ojn. U people should be glad u live in an area that has such awesome resources available, instead of whining about it when theyre used.

    March 22, 2016 at 8:42 AM

    It takes 2 fire trucks to ventilate? Youre an idiot. Oops, I meant you're.

  26. Anonymous said...
    6 males in the house -
    2 dead -
    the priority 2 call was because he magically woke up! weird!
    Police on scene
    On in custody at PRMC

    March 22, 2016 at 8:46 AM

    If this is true it sounds like someone is using their smart phone or the computer while on duty which should be against Department Standards. But then again this is a misfit department ran by a not so fit fire chief. Richard A. Hoppes do your job or better yet Jake Day do your job and fire Mr. Hoppes like you should have done 6 months ago.

  27. If this is a crime scene then why have 15 firemen walking all around the scene contaminating evidence. Especially when command placed the situation under control, holding all units?? That is something the Mayor of this city needs to look into.

    Matt Maciarello are you paying attention. Do you see what is happening to the evidence when you have to prosecute case that are contaminated. Judge Jimmy are these your cases? Future Jurors are you paying attention? Chief Duncan are you paying attention?

    1. Judge Jimmy is to busy hearing bull crap cases that shouldn't be tried! Sentencing people to make a statement! And obliging over zealous prosecutions! Sarbanes needs to not worry about minnows in the pond!

  28. Anonymous said...
    Why are fire trucks there?? Unless it's a meth lab there is no need to have Two freaking fire trucks there. You need the ambulance, police and coroner. Put the fire trucks back in service

    March 22, 2016 at 8:52 AM

    Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding!

    Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!

    Put the fire trucks back in service? Better yet don't send the fire trucks to EMS calls.

  29. Anonymous said...
    How about not telling the firemen who are on the call how to do their job? Unless you are there and have the required on the job experience to make a decision on how to handle this call, you sound like the asshat you probably are.

    March 22, 2016 at 9:09 AM

    WTH did this Moron Firemen just say? Can someone please interpret this slop?? I hope you are not in a supervisory role and have to do reports.

  30. Anonymous said...
    They need the firemen from the fire trucks for support lifting and moving patients, keeping the scene clear and to keep onlookers away.. They do help in many other ways other then fire...

    March 22, 2016 at 9:14 AM

    LMAO. Sounds like more damage control. There are 2 EMT's on the ambulance and that is their job lifting and moving patients. How come the EMT's were able to do all the moving and lifting before the firemen started self dispatching. As a matter of fact I know the firemen don't do much lifting because they just stand around while the EMT's do all the work.

    Keeping the scene clear and keeping onlookers away. That is not job of a firemen, that is the job of the policemen if needed and it wasn't needed this morning.

    "...other then fire." No dumb dumb it is "other than fire."

    Good try though you illiterate fireman. You people in the Salisbury Fire Department truly are an embarrassment to the Fire and EMS profession.

  31. Anonymous said...
    The best thing we can do for the fire service is to change our names. We need to be called the everything men instead of firemen. Most of you do realize we rotate between the fire trucks and the ambulances. We all are dual trained in EMS and fire. To work an arrest it takes more than the two personnel on the medic. Personnel from the fire truck will get on with the medic crews to assist. Sometimes it is an extra paramedic on the engine that assists. Engine crews do more than go to fires. That is why we are more like the everything men.

    March 22, 2016 at 9:34 AM

    The tax payers of Salisbury would save Millions of dollars a year if they paid an additional paramedic to ride and an ambulance for a total of 3 personnel. On a cardiac arrest you only need 3 people to run the call. One paramedic to perform life saving measures such as shocks, medications, etc. one person to perform CPR and one person to drive. BAMM! I just saved the city a ton of money by keeping the fire trucks at the stations. Also if they need extra lifting assistance for chubby they are already on the ambulance. Most of the time 3 people is all you need. BAMMM! No fire trucks needed.

  32. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The best thing we can do for the fire service is to change our names. We need to be called the everything men instead of firemen. Most of you do realize we rotate between the fire trucks and the ambulances. We all are dual trained in EMS and fire. To work an arrest it takes more than the two personnel on the medic. Personnel from the fire truck will get on with the medic crews to assist. Sometimes it is an extra paramedic on the engine that assists. Engine crews do more than go to fires. That is why we are more like the everything men.

    March 22, 2016 at 9:34 AM

    This so called explanation also known as Job Security sounds like it was written by a 3rd grader.

    1. It had to written so that you could comprehend.

  33. To many firemen on that call. What a waste of tax dollars.

  34. We need firemen there incase of a water faucet leak in the apt.

    1. 10:14 I heard a chief say that if they got a call for plumbing they would respond. Anything for job security. My suggestion is to get a real job!

    2. I'm thinking that the City of Salisbury should do what Ocean City is now doing. The Ocean City Fire/Rescue will be leaving the 24/72 hour shifts. They are tired of paying firemen to sleep every single night while on duty and then wake up and work another full time job. Going to rotating 8 hour shifts with no sleeping would be best for the Salisbury Fire Department.

    3. 11:16. They have to! Running water from a burst pipe can start an electrical fire you idiot!

  35. From what I understand Salisbury has a volunteer program. Want to change things...go sign on the dotted line. And no, I am not associated with the Fire Service in any way!

    1. I am associated with the fire service......
      We don't want these idiots to join. Their panties would bunch up and hurt them while crying it's to hot before they go in and risk their lives to save another during a fire!

  36. You people kill me. So glad I moved away!!! I bet if it were you laying there you would want 10 firetruck there working on you!!!

  37. Don't all of these fire companies own SUVs? The firemen on here claim that they are all trained paramedics and are backup to the paramedics. That being said why do we have to have multi-million dollar fire trucks taken out of the station instead of loading up in the SUVs?? It would be a hell of a lot cheaper to take that rather than running the million dollar pieces of equipment running up and down the streets.

    1. Since when are your an expert on cost of equipment?
      You need to do some research before blabbing away just to hear yourself and to see your half thought through comment. Just my opinion

    2. Well enligthten us on how much it cost then! How much did it cost for your building that you park it in?? Then again doesn't really matter cause you run it up and down and all around Salisbury wasting MY taxpayer money!! How much did the fire boat cost? How many times has the fire boat actually been used?? How many people actually are licensed to drive your precious fire boat??

    3. 3 PM..... A building and a vehicle are two different things. But your trailer park mentality probably is used to your vehicle being more expensive than your house!
      750k tips for the most elite apparatus by the way!

    4. Why is it if someone challenges the firemen you instantly jump to ignorant insults?? The bottom line is you know we are right. All of the volunteer departments in this area had to actually to raise the money to build their buildings and purchase their equipment. They appreciate and take care of their equipment so much better than any of you ever would. You on the other hand think it's okay to run up and down the streets going on ambulance calls in your stupid fire trucks on TAXPAYER money. I think what we need is an audit and review of every call in the city and how many times the fire truck is actually needed. Guarantee it is NOT as much as salisbury fire department leads everyone to believe. It's closer to 5% of the time fire department actually needs to take the fire truck to ambulance call. So if you have chest pain, shortness of breath or fell and can't get up don't worry. The fire truck will be right there!!

  38. sounds like a bad batch of herion.

  39. To 9:28AM, I am not with the fire department or police department. I just go to this site to get the news. Unfortunately, some of the comments posted, like the one you put on for this incident, was just not needed. I guess you get some kind of joy from being so negative.
    Also, when you use the word "farmin", it just shows that you really haven't got too much sense.

  40. Before u start judging people know there family reads this two people lost there life and one fighting for his if your not CSI don't be saying heroin yes there is alot of od going on before saying anything let the medical people call it smh who cares how many fire trucks there are if you needing help you would want all them to be there too

  41. The amount of calls in the last week has been astonishing. They had a bad batch of something in Florida this past week. Maybe it made its way here.

  42. Firemen need to be retrained to emts and put 5 on a ambulance this will save $$$$$$$$ lol.

  43. I say if u play u PAY.

  44. HEY city council time for some cut backs on the Fire services.

  45. So if all The people are needed for a call does that mean the private companies are doing it wrong

  46. Fireboat is on the scene, everything will be fine now. LOL !!

  47. The one guy dead.... Bunky, is no user! Dealer maybe. Not from over dosing. Carbon monoxide poisoning is the most likely culprit.

  48. 56 comments already. Wow!

  49. Update Mr. Albero:

    Central, Wicomico 911 only initially dispatched 1 (ONE) ambulance for a reported 3 unconscious, non breathing subjects.

    This should be posted to show the ignorance and stupidity of the 911 dispatchers. They should know that one non breathing subject requires at least 1 ambulance so 3 non breathing subjects require 3 (THREE) ambulances. The other day on the article about the 911 dispatchers they kept coming on here talking all about protocol. I guess they forgot about their protocol.

    In other words that 911 dispatcher F***ed Up and should be fired!!

    And to top that off the first ambulance on the scene only requested 1 additional ambulance for 3 non breathing subjects when he should have requested at least 2 more ambulances. To give credit where credit is due the officer on Truck 2 had enough sense to request that third ambulance as well as an additional engine company. Smart move although more ambulances with EMS people were really what was needed.

    1. Why 3? One was obviously dead! And ambulances can carry two patients! Why dump all our resources one one scene? Forget mutual aid! Drains other towns resources! 2 priority 4's means no work us getting put forth. Dead or alive! Yes a priority 4 can be a living patient. The firefighters where their to force entry to other homes attached in the event this was carbon related etc. Which they also where there to establish if it was carbon or figure out the problem.

  50. Anonymous said...
    From what I understand Salisbury has a volunteer program. Want to change things...go sign on the dotted line. And no, I am not associated with the Fire Service in any way!

    March 22, 2016 at 11:04 AM

    They do have one, but if you were smart enough you would understand that Rick Hoppes and the paid firemen ran them off. How's that grab you!

  51. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I'm thinking that the City of Salisbury should do what Ocean City is now doing. The Ocean City Fire/Rescue will be leaving the 24/72 hour shifts. They are tired of paying firemen to sleep every single night while on duty and then wake up and work another full time job. Going to rotating 8 hour shifts with no sleeping would be best for the Salisbury Fire Department.

    March 22, 2016 at 11:20 AM

    Excellent idea. I am tired of my tax dollars going to pay these paid firemen to sleep every single night. Give the bunks to the homeless shelters while you are at it. They get to work 2 full time jobs all rested up while I struggle to make ends meet.

  52. Anonymous said...
    Don't all of these fire companies own SUVs? The firemen on here claim that they are all trained paramedics and are backup to the paramedics. That being said why do we have to have multi-million dollar fire trucks taken out of the station instead of loading up in the SUVs?? It would be a hell of a lot cheaper to take that rather than running the million dollar pieces of equipment running up and down the streets.

    March 22, 2016 at 12:21 PM

    Excellent idea, but you would have to take them away from the fire chiefs because it is more important to them to race to the scene to be the first one there so they can be COMMAND. "Look at me I have a white helmet and a radio and I look important."

  53. Anonymous said...
    To 9:28AM, I am not with the fire department or police department. I just go to this site to get the news. Unfortunately, some of the comments posted, like the one you put on for this incident, was just not needed. I guess you get some kind of joy from being so negative.
    Also, when you use the word "farmin", it just shows that you really haven't got too much sense.

    March 22, 2016 at 12:45 PM

    LIAR, LIAR, Pant on Fire! You know you are a paid FARMIN!

    1. Go back to farmin you toothless cuss! So mad because your fat arse couldn't get picked up with a company in three attempts at three different companies. We know who you are. Wish I saw you out in public but your to coward to leave your house like you arebti coward to post your name.

  54. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    So if all The people are needed for a call does that mean the private companies are doing it wrong

    March 22, 2016 at 2:44 PM

    BAMMMMMM! Another intelligent statement.

    Good idea, let's privatize all the ambulance calls in Salisbury!

    1. Have you seen the rejects that lifestar and heart to heart has? Then their flunkies go to best care! Lmao.

  55. Those clowns don't have enough paid paramedics in Salisbury so they have to dispatch Parsonsburg to go to Marley Manor and they are sending the fire truck from Station 1 to standby and wait for Parsonsburgs ambulance to get there, which won't be long.

    They should be staffing ambulances instead of all those fire trucks. Where are the fires? Please have some fires so the Fahrman can put up some selfies showing that they are heroes.

  56. 4:19PM, you are so wrong.

  57. 4:19PM, once again, it is fireman, not farmin. It is not that hard to spell.

  58. Wow, from an outside perspective you all sure do know how to speculate. I mean without any real knowledge of the situation you do not hesitate to pour it on the fire department. I do not live in Salisbury and I am sure you will make sure to point out I am not the one paying the taxes, but I sure hope if you are ever in need of assistance the amount of help you need shows up. Better to be over prepared than under prepared...

  59. Maybe if y'all had not run off pretty much every real business/company that was here, there would be god jobs and lower taxes. Majority of the defunct business' properties have been taken of the tax rolls. Property values are down therefore less tax is collected. In other word, Salisbury sucks and if you are smart you should stop complaining and get out.

  60. March 22, 2016 at 10:02 AM.....
    You obviously have NO idea what you are talking about. I don't live in Salisbury but my retired parents do. I retired after 30 years in the Fire / EMS service in another state so don't blast nonsense that I'm protecting anyone.It takes more than 3 people on a CPR to be truly effective. Not to mention evaluating multiple patients. You should be glad you have the resources you do. I would bet you have never been exposed to any public service because all the nonsense I read on here comes from armchair quarterbacks that watch too many TV shows that aren't reality.....You try to come across smart but as soon as I read "I seen, There instead of their or they're" your true ignorance comes through.Instead of putting down something that you truly don't understand why don't you try volunteering.....but then you would have to come out of your parents basement....

  61. I'm sorry in this day and time firemen and many preachers need to get full time jobs, These non full time jobs should be paid like a National Guard and or volunteer because it's your calling and you love to serve others! People see what you do with the monies given, even in the collection plate? Pastor's son in new Jordan's and fireman Joe is cooking up fillet mignon in the chow hall, all on the backs of the workin class taxes & donations! Go work in the public schools, nursing homes and be mentors to our youth, serve our elderly. Just sayin!! Lord forgive those who abuse their power and responsibility, that which was intended for those they took an oath serve! Amen!!

  62. Wow the troll really got your goat!

  63. The farmin guy is going to hell one day. Bless his heart. Probably hates the story of baby Jesus. And the three wise men. You know... knowing that they come from.... Afire!
    He will beg for a farmin while he rots in hell. Lmao.

  64. This used to be a decent area years ago but the slumlords have took over with there government assisted tennants and this is what you end up with.
    Find some way to hold these slumies accountable for the trash they put in there rented trash cans.

  65. This is really childish chatter regarding the 1st responders! I am a Red Cross volunteer and happy as hell to have as many men as needed to do the job .Its good to have the brave men and women risking it all whether it's a house in the hood or a mansion .so tighten your suspenders and get over the petty bickering .Semper Fi. Btw why don't any of you brave boys sign your Names? Make wonder whether you zip in the front or in the rear .

  66. Semper Fi??? Now you guys are using MILITARY words??? The day ALL of these men and women truly SERVE our Armed Forces, then you have EARNED the right to say such a thing. Until them, stop this crap.

  67. I was thinking the same thing since it was cold last night. Not sure if those townhouses are fed with gas though. Unless they used Kerosene heaters which is illegal in many ways.

    March 22, 2016 at 8:23 AM

    The controversy over the kerosene heater is especially bitter, with fire officials squared off against industry officials and retailers in a fight extending from Maryland to California over whether the new generation of kerosene heaters, which are portable and don't require venting, should be used in homes.

    Under current laws, the use of the heaters is legal in Virginia but not in the District of Columbia. Maryland's 20-year ban against kerosene heaters was changed in December to allow certain models in one- and two-family homes. The change was approved by the Maryland Fire Prevention Commission after more than a year of struggle between industry representatives and fire safety leaders such as Montgomery County Fire Chief James Dalton.

    Kero-Sun, the largest single supplier of kerosene heaters with more than one-third of the market, took the position that the Maryland ban was written to protect consumers against the old-style kerosene heaters marketed during the 1950s and earlier. Those heaters were banned in many areas because of fires caused by heaters tipping over, fires from fuel storage and handling, asphyxiation and other problems. Representatives of Kero-Sun and local Maryland dealers argued that safeguards such as a wide base to minimize the tipping problem and an automatic device extinguishing the heater if it is knocked over should allay those old fears.

  68. In the fall my mom needed an ambulance. We called 911, and an ambulance showed up. No fire, police, just an ambulance. I'm thinking it's based on the way the call to 911 goes out. Stay calm everyone, let them do their jobs.

  69. Any more news about this story? I heard drug overdose?
    Any names given yet? Heard it was a former coworker, and sadly that would not surprise me in the least.

  70. I despise the typical over response of SFD - their mentality is the more you send, the more funds you receive. In a lot of cases, you all would have a right to complain; HOWEVER, I do not believe this is the typical matter of SFD over response. If the 911 center receives a call for 3 non-responsive males, SFD doesn't exactly know what they are getting into but they have to be prepared for what it COULD be. When I hear "3 non-responsive males" I immediately think carbon monoxide poisoning (closely followed by heroin and meth overdoses). If that is the case, they will need equipment to ventilate the building. That equipment isn't on ambulances nor are the personnel. Given the fact that this is in a townhouse, you will have to consider possible issues with adjacent residences. You also have to consider that you will likely have to lift those 3 non-responsive males which could require 2-3 personnel each.

    So before you all get on your high horses about SFD over responding to calls, how about you look at the nature of the call and think outside of your little narrow-minded box for a change. In this case, SFD's response was perfectly adequate. In other cases, such as when they sent a ladder truck, engine, brush truck and ambulance to my neighbor's house for a 40yo male with chest pains, their over response is unacceptable. Don't bitch just to bitch - think a little before you open you mouth. If you really want something to complain about, complain about how the mayor (current and past) hasn't acknowledged Salisbury's drug issue and hasn't done anything about.

    1. That response to your neighbors house sounds like a volunteer response. Was it a night or weekend?

  71. Property values are down therefore less tax is collected.
    March 22, 2016 at 6:01 PM

    You would not be able to verify this statement based on the prices sellers are trying to charge for their dilapidated pieces of crap. I have been on the "home tour" looking for a livable home. You should see the crap out there. Then there are the homes bought by (and I use this term loosely) home improvement companies for 60K and are now asking 180K for the house that has been sitting for sale for over a year because it is either over priced or they did a crap job remodeling.

    One guy has a house in town for 185K - as remodeled and "furnished" with his "used furniture" but the place needs a roof. What a joke. I have enough furniture I don't need your used stuff and hey - there is no closet in the 1st floor den that you faked into a master bedroom. And whats the deal with the slanted floor with humps in them?

    This town is such a pathetic joke. Buying a home around here is as bad as buying a used car. Liars and theives

  72. I can expand on the home issue.
    2 out of 3 houses I have looked at are foreclosures or short sales.
    And this town is not finished with the foreclosure deal either because as I drive around there are at least 100 that I have seen that are not even on the market yet.

    On Middle Neck Rd, there is a yellow shack for sale in foreclosure, but right next to it is a grey one that the bank has not taken possession of yet that will eventually go on the market. I personally know of a friends house on Brittingham that is not bank possessed yet and she vacated it over a year ago, and there is one on Phillips Ave vacated and not bank owned yet.

    You ain't seen nothing yet.

  73. Anonymous said...
    I despise the typical over response of SFD - their mentality is the more you send, the more funds you receive. In a lot of cases, you all would have a right to complain; HOWEVER, I do not believe this is the typical matter of SFD over response. If the 911 center receives a call for 3 non-responsive males, SFD doesn't exactly know what they are getting into but they have to be prepared for what it COULD be. When I hear "3 non-responsive males" I immediately think carbon monoxide poisoning (closely followed by heroin and meth overdoses). If that is the case, they will need equipment to ventilate the building. That equipment isn't on ambulances nor are the personnel. Given the fact that this is in a townhouse, you will have to consider possible issues with adjacent residences. You also have to consider that you will likely have to lift those 3 non-responsive males which could require 2-3 personnel each.

    So before you all get on your high horses about SFD over responding to calls, how about you look at the nature of the call and think outside of your little narrow-minded box for a change. In this case, SFD's response was perfectly adequate. In other cases, such as when they sent a ladder truck, engine, brush truck and ambulance to my neighbor's house for a 40yo male with chest pains, their over response is unacceptable. Don't bitch just to bitch - think a little before you open you mouth. If you really want something to complain about, complain about how the mayor (current and past) hasn't acknowledged Salisbury's drug issue and hasn't done anything about.

    March 23, 2016 at 9:01 AM

    Sounds like Damage control to me. So tell me what is your rank and position in the fire department? You do seem to know to much about the fire department in Salisbury to be Joe Citizen to the defense of the SFD. Please sign your name so that we know that you are just a plain citizen.

  74. Anonymous said...
    4:19PM, you are so wrong.

    March 22, 2016 at 4:42 PM

    Liar, Liar pant on fire.

    No Sir... You are wrong!

  75. Anonymous said...

    I am associated with the fire service......
    We don't want these idiots to join. Their panties would bunch up and hurt them while crying it's to hot before they go in and risk their lives to save another during a fire!

    March 22, 2016 at 4:59 PM

    I've got a feeling that you don't fight fire so you are not a firefighter and you don't have room to talk. Sounds like you are the idiots that brag about fires that you never fought. You don't have the right call yourself a fireman!

    Anyone that says they are "associated with the fire service really means they are just there for the social club. You are their wasting good oxygen.

  76. Anonymous said...
    No argument in Ocean City lol

    March 22, 2016 at 4:16 PM

    Please explain? I have a feeling you responded to a comment on your cell phone. When you do that you can see what comment it is attached to, but you can't when commenting online via a computer.

    Would still love to know what you are referring to?

  77. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  78. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    That response to your neighbors house sounds like a volunteer response. Was it a night or weekend?

    March 23, 2016 at 12:12 PM

    It could have been both, either way its is still overkill so quit trying to attack the vollies!!

  79. 101 comments already!! I guarantee if you moved this back to the top you would go way over 200 comments!!

  80. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  81. Anonymous said...
    4:19PM, once again, it is fireman, not farmin. It is not that hard to spell.

    March 22, 2016 at 4:45 PM

    You just don't get it...

  82. Sounds like Damage control to me. So tell me what is your rank and position in the fire department? You do seem to know to much about the fire department in Salisbury to be Joe Citizen to the defense of the SFD. Please sign your name so that we know that you are just a plain citizen.

    March 23, 2016 at 2:24 PM

    You think that I'm damage control? No, not at all. I'm not at all affiliated with the City, the Fire Department or any emergency service. I am simply a Salisbury/Wicomico taxpayer who actually has a brain and thinks for myself before I speak. So in lieu of bitching about everything little thing, I look deeper into the situation for reason. The reason for SFD's amount of response IN THIS CASE seemed adequate to me. And like I clearly stated, SFD over-responds with unneeded resources to a vast majority of their calls - I even gave an example. Perhaps you should learn to comprehend what you read before you start jumping to your ridiculous conclusions.

  83. Anonymous said...

    In the fall my mom needed an ambulance. We called 911, and an ambulance showed up. No fire, police, just an ambulance. I'm thinking it's based on the way the call to 911 goes out. Stay calm everyone, let them do their jobs.

    March 22, 2016 at 11:39 PM

    Another fireman posing as a tax payer just to protect their jobs.

    1. Are you serious?! No I'm not a fireman, nor is anyone in my family. I'm just stating the facts of what happened. We told them we needed an ambulance and 1 ambulance showed up. That's all. You may appreciate them one day when they save your life, or the life of a loved one.

  84. Letter to the Editor

    Dear Joe and Honorable Mayor and Council,

    You know what I have been thinking. I read where the fire chief in Ocean City has decided that the paid firefighter paramedics sleep on the job to much and several times they have slept through the alarm. I know for a fact that happens all the time in the Salisbury Fire Department. I understand that rest is imperative for first responders, but when they sleep through calls there is a problem. Since there is a problem just like in Ocean City it is time to go back to the standard 8 hour shifts 7 days a week. That way they would be rested up when they got to work and wouldn't have to sleep.

    What do you guys think? Don't you think that the Salisbury Fire Department should do away with their 24 hours on 72 hours off shift work?

    Who else gets paid to sleep on the job?

    cc: Bob Culver, County Executive
    County Council

  85. Anonymous said...
    Sounds like Damage control to me. So tell me what is your rank and position in the fire department? You do seem to know to much about the fire department in Salisbury to be Joe Citizen to the defense of the SFD. Please sign your name so that we know that you are just a plain citizen.

    March 23, 2016 at 2:24 PM

    You think that I'm damage control? No, not at all. I'm not at all affiliated with the City, the Fire Department or any emergency service. I am simply a Salisbury/Wicomico taxpayer who actually has a brain and thinks for myself before I speak. So in lieu of bitching about everything little thing, I look deeper into the situation for reason. The reason for SFD's amount of response IN THIS CASE seemed adequate to me. And like I clearly stated, SFD over-responds with unneeded resources to a vast majority of their calls - I even gave an example. Perhaps you should learn to comprehend what you read before you start jumping to your ridiculous conclusions.

    March 23, 2016 at 2:52 PM

    As a tax payer and a Chief Officer in a metropolitan fire department I clearly comprehend your drivel. You are no doubt, someone associated with a fire department. I have been around long enough that I know the jargon and the lingo. Why do you think I am a ranking fire officer!! Now go back to your nap!!

  86. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Fireboat is on the scene, everything will be fine now. LOL !!

    March 22, 2016 at 3:03 PM

    I think the fire boat is still enroute. Has the S.S. Hoppes found the location yet?

  87. Anonymous said...

    Go back to farmin you toothless cuss! So mad because your fat arse couldn't get picked up with a company in three attempts at three different companies. We know who you are. Wish I saw you out in public but your to coward to leave your house like you arebti coward to post your name.

    March 22, 2016 at 5:10 PM

    I notice you didn't sign your name either Mr. Big Shot!!

    Joe how did these uneducated people get hired by the Salisbury Fire Department? They can't even formulate or construct a complete sentence!

    By the way Sir, who do you think it is?

  88. Anonymous said...
    The farmin guy is going to hell one day. Bless his heart. Probably hates the story of baby Jesus. And the three wise men. You know... knowing that they come from.... Afire!
    He will beg for a farmin while he rots in hell. Lmao.

    March 22, 2016 at 6:57 PM

    WTH is this guy talking about?

  89. Anonymous said...
    Have you seen the rejects that lifestar and heart to heart has? Then their flunkies go to best care! Lmao.

    March 22, 2016 at 5:11 PM

    Anyone that works at the Salisbury Fire Department has no room to call someone a "regect."

    FYI it is *Lifestar and *Hart to Heart!!

    Now what's it like to be the reject?? It's quite apparent that Richard A. Hoppes has hired a bunch of rejects because he is a reject himself. Case closed!

  90. Anonymous said...

    March 22, 2016 at 10:02 AM.....
    You obviously have NO idea what you are talking about. I don't live in Salisbury but my retired parents do. I retired after 30 years in the Fire / EMS service in another state so don't blast nonsense that I'm protecting anyone.It takes more than 3 people on a CPR to be truly effective. Not to mention evaluating multiple patients. You should be glad you have the resources you do. I would bet you have never been exposed to any public service because all the nonsense I read on here comes from armchair quarterbacks that watch too many TV shows that aren't reality.....You try to come across smart but as soon as I read "I seen, There instead of their or they're" your true ignorance comes through.Instead of putting down something that you truly don't understand why don't you try volunteering.....but then you would have to come out of your parents basement....

    March 22, 2016 at 6:19 PM

    You try to come across smart but as soon as I read "I seen, There instead of their or they're" your true ignorance comes through.

    Please go back and tell us where you found that statement in the 10:02 AM comment??

  91. To 8:37 read the blog I Never stated that I was a first responder Red Cross is called After the responders then call me a pos and a pussy and knock my use of Semper Fi !!rhen 2:38 calls a faggott? I earned the right to use semper fi so shut hose worshipping mouth plus you too weak to sign your name .i remain Always Faithful which is what Sempervivum Fi really means

  92. Anonymous said...
    Don't all of these fire companies own SUVs? The firemen on here claim that they are all trained paramedics and are backup to the paramedics. That being said why do we have to have multi-million dollar fire trucks taken out of the station instead of loading up in the SUVs?? It would be a hell of a lot cheaper to take that rather than running the million dollar pieces of equipment running up and down the streets.
    March 22, 2016 at 12:21 PM

    You make an excellent point, but the leaders to be like Richard Hoppes and Jonathan Tull are anti-EMS and their goal is to keep EMS as job security only.

  93. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Property values are down therefore less tax is collected.
    March 22, 2016 at 6:01 PM

    You would not be able to verify this statement based on the prices sellers are trying to charge for their dilapidated pieces of crap. I have been on the "home tour" looking for a livable home. You should see the crap out there. Then there are the homes bought by (and I use this term loosely) home improvement companies for 60K and are now asking 180K for the house that has been sitting for sale for over a year because it is either over priced or they did a crap job remodeling.

    One guy has a house in town for 185K - as remodeled and "furnished" with his "used furniture" but the place needs a roof. What a joke. I have enough furniture I don't need your used stuff and hey - there is no closet in the 1st floor den that you faked into a master bedroom. And whats the deal with the slanted floor with humps in them?

    This town is such a pathetic joke. Buying a home around here is as bad as buying a used car. Liars and theives

    March 23, 2016 at 9:59 AM

    You are 100% and we have to pay high taxes in this crime infested city just to support a full time fire department that is not needed. Do your job and recruit volunteers and cut back on the paid fire jobs.

    Here is a thought. How long has the new fire station been built on Cypress Street? How many times has the City or the Fire Department attempted to recruit volunteers from the Cypress Street, West side area?

    The closest minority volunteer they had from that side of town was Kenny Gaskins who got caught stealing from them.

  94. Anonymous said...
    This used to be a decent area years ago but the slumlords have took over with there government assisted tennants and this is what you end up with.
    Find some way to hold these slumies accountable for the trash they put in there rented trash cans.

    March 22, 2016 at 7:22 PM

    There is no way to hold them accountable. They run the local elections. Look at how much money Jake Day raised from the Slum Lords and he did nothing and had no competition. Jake Day isn't going to bight the hand that feeds him.

  95. March 23, 2016 at 3:03 PM has a great idea. Do away with the 24/72 hour shifts that the paid firemen have in Salisbury and you will see people that stay are there for their love of the job. The ones that leave are taking advantage of the gravy train job where they can easily work 2 full time jobs.

    The new ones hired will want to work in Salisbury because of the love of the job. This is the best way to rid the city or the racist white garbage that works their now.

    Go to 8 hour shifts like Ocean City and many 24 hour businesses around the country.

  96. Slum Lords, I hate all of them. Blighted areas all of this town because of them.

  97. The Salisbury Fire Department is the Top Story of the week again.

    What a bunch of losers!!

  98. Those paid fireman should be working the 8 hour rotating shifts and not the gravy 24/72's.

  99. Jake Day you created this problem within the Salisbury Fire Department by stating that appointing the fire chief is first on your priority list. You were so quick to appoint this Buffoon that you weren't smart enough to check the facts first. Now you have a problem and problems are made to be resolved.

    Get rid of Richard A. Hoppes as soon as you can. Do not re-appoint him as a department head. We are sick of him and now we are getting sick of you! Please do the job you were elected to do and appoint a new chief to clean house.

  100. Landon Ross
    Ladies and Gentlemen let's connect the Dots.

    Jack Heath has received all these letters(supposedly) so let's think about this. One connect he has is Gabby Marie Cammarata is the mouth piece for the Facebook Page Concerned Citizens Against Industrial CAFOs. This Mouth Piece is from Pennsylvania and she only went to Salisbury University to get a degree in Environmental Studies. Imagine that! So she gets connected with Kathy Phillips, the Butch from Assateague Coastkeepers and they start knocking on doors with scare tactics. Gabby Cammarata, a Come Here, doesn't care about the chickens, she just doesn't want the chicken houses built near her so she takes those scare tactics and runs with it.

    No more Dots to connect. Gabby Cammarata and her fiance Landon Ross live together near where those chicken houses are planned. So what does that matter you ask?

    Well Gabby's fiance Landon Ross is working behind the scenes with Gabby Cammarata to help put Perdue out of business. Yes Perdue Farms, the same business that Jake Day and his Daddy are employed. So if Perdue Farms fail then Mayor Jake Day and Daddy lose their livelihood.

    So who is Landon Ross who has been working behind the scenes? Landon Ross works for Mayor Jake Day as a paid fireman and the Salisbury Fire Department. Nothing like biting the hand that feeds you.

    Landon Ross has been quiet because he has been secretly helping his fiance Gabby Marie put Mayor Jake Day and Daddy out of a job.

    Aren't we getting sick and tired of the problem children at the Salisbury Fire Department yet!

    Mayor Jake Day if you were smart you would take care of that problem at the Salisbury Fire Department!

  101. You certainly show your ignorance by calling them farmin.

  102. Anonymous said...

    As a tax payer and a Chief Officer in a metropolitan fire department I clearly comprehend your drivel. You are no doubt, someone associated with a fire department. I have been around long enough that I know the jargon and the lingo. Why do you think I am a ranking fire officer!! Now go back to your nap!!
    March 23, 2016 at 3:08 PM

    Wrong again. Perhaps I am just an educated individual that chooses to only bitch about SFD when they are actually doing something wrong - LIKE I SAID THAT THEY USUALLY DO. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to comprehend firemen "jargon and lingo." You idiots jump at ANY opportunity to complain about something even when it isn't warranted. Most of the time you guys can't even comprehend what is being said in a comment before you jump down somebody's throat about being someone they are not. For instance I CLEARLY stated that "I despise the typical over response of SFD." I suppose criticizing SFD's typical actions automatically make me a firefighter? So, Mr "Ranking Fire Officer," go back to your "Metropolitan Fire Department" and play mind games with them. I don't need some fire psychoanalyst from across the bridge telling me who I am or am not.


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