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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Teachers told to use pink ink when they are marking because red is too hard for children to bear

From the Daily Mail:

Teachers have complained about a ‘ridiculous’ marking system which forces them to use pink ink for negative comments because it is ‘less aggressive’ than red.

The bizarre system is being implemented by some headteachers who believe pink is a softer colour which will make children feel less like failures.



  1. I have two children in Wicomico County school system and this has been going on for a long time. The red ink "upsets" the kids. At least that was how it was explained to me many years ago. If they can't handle red ink how are they going to handle "real" life.

  2. Today's kids are so weak.

  3. It's true that teachers and teachers-to-be are being encouraged to use any color other than red for paper marking. The connotation associated with red (blood, for example), is apparently negative for some students, so to keep everyone satisfied, teachers often use purple or green rather than red. This is done in all grades as well as in college classes. I am a teacher, and although I think it's silly, I don't mind using other colors. In fact, I alternate. It's not a big deal. We teachers have a lot of other more stressful things to worry about than the color of ink we use when marking papers. Why not do a story on the ridiculous number of tests that students have to take now or even on how cursive writing has disappeared totally from the classrooms? Now those are much more relevant topics to complain about.

  4. You have got to be kidding ! What other nonsense will they come up with?


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