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Thursday, March 10, 2016

Subject: The Price of Resettling Refugees in America

The sovereignty of America is quietly being eroded as details have emerged surrounding the Obama administrations proposed budget for 2017 in regards to the resettlement of refugees and illegal aliens in our cities and towns. In early February of 2016 the Obama administration unveiled their plans under the innocuous sounding budget proposal for fiscal year 2017 (FY 2017) titled the Administration For Children and Families Refugee and Entrant Assistance program.

The Refugee and Entrant Assistance account, according to the proposal, helps refugees, asylees, Cuban and Haitian entrants, Survivors of torture, Special Immigrant Visa holders, and trafficking victims to become integrated and successful members of American society. The requested budget by the President for fiscal year 2017, which begins October 1, 2016, is $2,184,860,000. According to the White House over $2 billion in funds is needed in order to “support a total of 213,000 ‘humanitarian arrivals’in FY 2017, including 100,000 refugees, consistent with the administrations commitment to admit at least this number of refugees in 2017.”

Moreover, the account is also responsible for coordinating and implementing the care and placement of illegal aliens, which the administration refers to as “Unaccompanied Alien Children” (UC) who are apprehended by immigration authorities while their immigration cases are pending and referred to the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR). The UC program provides shelter, counseling, medical care, legal services, and other support services to children in ORR custody. Meaning, not only is the administration not deporting these individuals, but they are also paying for their legal services in order to challenge in court the very laws they have just broken. The FY 2017 request also includes $1,226,000,000 in base funding for the UC program, which is an increase of $278,000,000 from FY 2016 enacted level (of $948,000,000) and the same total resource level.



  1. This is just "start-up" cash. As soon as the"immigrants" are settled then the STATE TAX PAYERS will be supporting them forever.

  2. They'll all be down here opening up government subsidized chicken farms. Then all the "farmers" who wouldn't get onboard to stop industrial factory farms will end up getting pennies per chicken and will sink further into debt and bankruptcy. It's the price you pay for being stupid.

  3. This is exactly why I have said and keep saying cut off all foreign aide to these countries and it will cut the US national debt . This rational is we will no longer borrowing this money to give away to these countries. Use this money from the cutoff foreign aid to support the illegal immigrants and then their own country will keep them from coming here because they want this free US money.

  4. No matter the price its to much, stop illegal immigration NOW

  5. we will just have to keep printing more money, that usually is the answer to our problems


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