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Thursday, March 03, 2016

Subject: McConnell: SCOTUS Vacancy 'Will Not Be Filled This Year'

(CNSNews.com) - The Supreme Court vacancy "will not be filled this year," Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Tuesday, following an hour long meeting with President Obama at the White House.

"We're perfectly prepared to take our argument to the American people," McConnell told a news conference.

"And I would tell you, if the shoe were on the other foot, do any of you think the Democrat majority in the Senate would be confirming a Republican president's nomination in the last year of his term? Of course not.

"This is going to be decided by the American people and the next president, whoever that may be, will fill this vacancy."



  1. The shoe has been on the other foot and they did NOT confirm the candidate!

  2. It's a whole year! It should not be open for that long, I don't care who is doing the nominating.

  3. 12:14 - stuff it! The court not doing anything for a year is better than Osama appointing!

  4. 12:14...why not leave it open? Why should it be filled at all?

  5. Is he planning to return his salary for this year?

  6. What's the big urgent rush, 12:14?
    It's not like there's no judge there to decide cases. There's eight of them.
    Originally there were fewer than eight.
    Don't wet your pants. A judge will be nominated and confirmed in due time.

  7. 11:57 AM - Actually, they DID confirm the candidate. His name is Justice Kennedy.

  8. 11:57 Some people are not interested in the actual facts.

  9. how long did it take POSPOTUS to do his job on the budget?

  10. The Democrats blocked Bush for 18 months and even passed legislation in 1960 to block nominations.


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