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Friday, March 25, 2016

Subject: Layoff Warning Notices Sent To 45,700 State Of Connecticut Workers

FAIRFIELD COUNTY, Conn. -- With a state budget deficit that may be as high as $266 million, Connecticut Gov. Dannel P. Malloy has issued formal warning layoff notices to 45,700 unionized state workers in 32 bargaining units, according to the Connecticut Post.

In an effort to avoid layoffs, Malloy has given department heads a week to offer cost-cutting ideas to stem the rising deficit, the Post said. He also offered suggestions, including $6 million in cuts through layoffs, but Republicans are proposing a two-day unpaid furlough program that would save jobs, said the Connecticut Post.



  1. How do they get that far in debt without someone knowing long ago so they could do some serious cost cutting?

  2. 4:53, Our own Federal Government is the record holding leader and teacher in that category!

  3. Another state run by democrats. Worrying about how many bullets a gun can hold.

  4. At least it's a good "incentive program" for those workers to come up with cost cutting plans!

    Hey, I've got one!

    Let everyone carry concealed or open, their choice, with any size magazine of choice!

    Lay off 80% of police and judges, as there will be no crime. Lawyers will take a hit, but with all the new cash flow, there might be more corporate work for them.Jailers could be laid off, too. Taxes from funeral homes' income will go up from burying thugs!

    It's a start?

  5. Coming to a state near you!!

  6. Hopefully Trump would do the same in DC.

  7. They are in debt because of their enormous welfare budget. Enormous medical coverage for ALL the Somalian residents. Not too mention the corrupt politicians.

  8. I have a suggestion to save money for that state, and every other state, and for federal agencies.

    Stop spending too much.

    There problem solved.

    Like good ole Mr. Regan said, the problem isn't that you don't tax enough, the problem is you spend too much.


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