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Friday, March 11, 2016

Subject: Illegal Alien Crime Accounts for over 30% of Murders in Many States

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump deserves credit for forcing all 17 Republican candidates to talk about the social costs of illegal immigration, but it is not “Trump’s issue.” We will be making a fatal mistake if we let the media discuss it that way.

As Ann Coulter has pointed out, this is the most critical issue of the 2016 race because this is the issue that will define whether or not there will even be an American nation recognizable as the “home of the free and land of the brave.”

But illegal immigration is not “Ann Coulter’s issue” any more than it is “Tom Tancredo’s issue.” It is America’s issue — not only because it will define America in the 21st Century but because it also defines American elections and who will be voting in elections in 2020 and beyond. It also illuminates the power of the mainstream media to keep issues off the national stage.


1 comment:

  1. And hillary wants them to be able to stay here in America and she wants to give them a pathway to citizenship? Even though they DO NOT want to be a citizen of America. Plus the pathway starts in their home country. She knows that. She will do anything for a vote. Even sell America down the drain. She will go against your rights, so you better vote for someone who believes we still have rights. And that person is Trump.


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