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Friday, March 11, 2016

Subject: How Trump measures up to Clinton poll


  1. Joe... I haven't read through all past presidential posts/comments, but curious who you are endorsing?

  2. 1:10, If you looked on the right hand side of the Blog for the last 6 months you'd see that I have supported Donald Trump.

  3. Most polls have Clinton beating Donald Trump. The are creeping up for Donald Trump now I've noticed. I think the same thing is happening as happened when he first announced his candidacy. Most people didn't think he was a serious contender. Now that they are realizing it most if not all primary polls have him ahead and he's gaining ground on Clinton in the general election polling.
    A large percentage of Sanders' votes are not that people like him but are anti Clinton votes so they will go Donald Trump in the general. The MSM used to interview democrat voters when they were exiting the polls and almost without fail they said they voted for Sanders because they didn't like Clinton. Now if you notice the MSM doesn't just go up to the voters indiscriminately. They have them waiting to be interviewed an obvious clue that they already know what they are going to say and that being they didn't vote for Sanders because they of their hate and distrust of Clinton but because they like his message.

  4. This is highly believable considering that Clinton comes to this election severely flawed. She's under criminal investigation by the FBI for mishandling Classified emails via her private in-home server, the Clinton Foundation under investigation for quid pro quo and she's got a host of women speaking out about her treatment towards them when skirt-chasing Billy was on the rampage. Even Roger Stone has written searing books about the Clintons' malfeasance and reign of terror while in the White House and beyond. She's lost a lot of her firewalls and looking at a opponent who does not work by regular DC rules of engagement like her buddy Bernie.

    My dog could run against her and probably win - but in no way does that diminish Trump's lethal hits that he will sure take when the general election begins in the fall.

    If I were her, I'd be talking to best criminal defense lawyers in the country, not running a presidential campaign that's headed towards a huge iron wall going 90 mph. But hey, as she said in her last debate, she won't discuss her possible indictment - but Trump surely will! Have fun at the races, kids, this is about to get very interesting...

    1. I'm sure that your dog has more of a pleasing personality.

  5. The Clintons are preparing all out war on Trump. I hope American voters don't continue to fall for all her lies and crimes.

  6. ...or I should say "fall for her lies regarding all her crimes she's committed over the years and gotten away with.

  7. Two Things Could Be TrueMarch 11, 2016 at 3:29 PM

    252 I wish them luck on their 'war' as they have nothing to really retort given their criminality. If I were Clinton, I'd be very leery of running against a man who will talk about her emails and the Clinton Foundation ruse everyday, all day long. Think about it, he commands much more airtime (ratings) than her. She's going to be mincemeat. Oh well. That's how the political fortune cookie crumbles.

  8. You are exactly right 3:29. Trump will ream that lying white trash a new one. She will try to claim he's being sexist because she is such a liar and some of the low information morons will fall for it, but the truth is he does it to everyone men included. The only thing more gross than Clinton are the filth that supports her and yes you are absolute filth the worst of the worst if you support that liar. You are the type of person who when you take your last breath the world immediately becomes a better place. People who support liars are useless and serve to valuable purpose to society or even their families.

  9. Glad to hear you support Donald Trump, Joe. I just don't understand why ANYONE would even consider Killary or Bernie; but with what Obama has done to our great country the past seven years, it's no wonder
    the liberals are brainwashed!

  10. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump as the choices for president? Pathetic. This country is really starting to swirl around the drain.


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