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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

States moving to restore work requirements for food stamp recipients

States are moving to once again require able-bodied adults to put in work hours in exchange for food stamps, after the requirements largely were suspended by the Obama administration.

The slow-moving reversal follows the administration pulling back on Clinton-era changes that required recipients to work for government welfare benefits. Signing the reform bill in 1996 alongside then-Speaker Newt Gingrich, then-President Bill Clinton said the goal was to make welfare “a second chance, not a way of life.”

But during the last recession, President Obama allowed states to suspend a requirement that able-bodied adults without children work at least 20 hours per week or participate in a training program to receive benefits for more than three months. 

He allowed recipients to stay on food stamps indefinitely, arguing the three-month maximum was unfair with unemployment at 10 percent.



  1. Look out churches! Better stock up. The Gov. made welfare a way of life. You can't even get this newest fully indoctrinated welfare generation off the couch. You wouldn’t even want them to.

  2. Obama suspended it because the more people on welfare the more democRAT votes, why do you think the thugs are getting nervous and violent?

    1. Please. This isn't about voting. This is about keeping people indigent and desperate. Check out the National Defense Resource Preparedness Executive Order signed by the president in March 2012. They want to create a slave society. This should sit quite well with most of you.

    2. Without children, which means, people who should not be reproducing are going to make that a priority so they can get around the rules.

  3. wow - that's pretty bad when you have to give Bill Clinton a more favorable opinion that Obama. Both are narcisstic individuals who have no clue what it is like to be in middle class America, let alone to be among the "liviing poor". I guess I would have to give Bill credit for instituting that philosphy back in the 1990's and had forgotten it was Obama who screwed it up.

    Glad to see the change. In spite of being conservative I thought the proposal of "drug testing for welfare receipients" was a little overboard but I totally support the working part of this effort. - the Kilbirnie Kid.

  4. exactly 7:15, they know their free ride is over and when it is, all hell is going to break loose, crime will sky rocket because they don't have a clue how to earn it like us taxpayers have had to do, they are coming for yours!

    1. They are only 13% of the population and half of them are in Prison so I say Bring it ON.


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